Tuesday, July 22, 2014

5 Questions for Budding Entrepreneurs

There are many reasons why people want to create and income from home.  It may be to earn some extra money to pay some bills, travel, supplement their pension, pay the mortgage off faster, leave a legacy for their children, fire their boss, etc. etc.  Some even do it to avoid being bored to death.  Whatever the reason, ask your self these 5 questions before you start.

1. Are you a workaholic? Success will come through hard work.  No matter what some people tell you, you cannot become massively successful on autopilot.  In order to "Build it once, build it big and build it to pay your children's children." you must put in the sweat equity Ultimately, the most successful individuals don't consider this workload a chore as they are pursuing interests they enjoy and love.

2. Are you focused? The first thing you need to do is to get educate.  Find out what to look for in a company, pick a good one and stick with it.  Be in only one opportunity.  Don't fall for the "multiple streams of income".  If you do that you will loose your focus.  Find out what makes a company a good opportunity : http://mlmhope.com/recordings/5pillars.htm

3. What motivates you? What is your why?  You have to figure that out!  Have an AMAZING “WHY”, a 99.9% “WHY”, that will keep you going through rain, sleet, snow, flood, pestilence, nuclear holocaust, or the criticism of a “loved” one.  If your "WHY" is a 70% and you come up against an obstacle that's a 72%, you're gone. You'll drop out, disappear.

4. Are you willing to go "all in"? The most successful entrepreneurs "burn the ships". This doesn't mean that you should quit your day job, at least not until you make double your day job income from your company. Here is what I mean by "Being All In"  http://mlmhope.com/recordings/allin.htm

5. Are you a visionary? There's a difference between delusions and imagination. Delusions are nothing more than daydreams without action. Entrepreneurs are visionaries that take careful, measurable steps to bring their imaginations into reality. They push forward, using their skills to create, evaluate and adjust until their visions are realized or altered.

Ultimately, the decision to forego the traditional employee route requires a leap of faith, but if you've answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may have what it takes to bring your idea to market and create a job for yourself in the process.

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