Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why did Solavei Have To File Chanpter 11 (Bankruptcy)

First, lets see what Solavei was all about.  Here is a direct quote of a review of Solavie from :

"Solavei Review

Solavei, scheduled to launch in September 2012, is a multilevel marketing company offering a social media platform and mobile application that provides contract-free mobile service and pays consumers for adding new members.

The Solavei Mobile Service is a mobile virtual network operation (MVNO) that utilizes T-Mobile’s nationwide 4G network.

Consumers can sign up for an unlimited voice, text and data plan for $49.00 per month and can earn income by introducing the service to others through Solavei’s social media platform and mobile application.

To sign up with Solavei, consumers can either use their own Solavei-compatible phone or purchase one of Solavei’s phones, which start at $159.00. Monthly mobile service is $49.00. The Solavei app (available for Android phones) covers everything Solavei members need to enroll friends and family, check on how much they have earned, and connect with their personal network.

Compensation Plan

Solavei members earn $20.00 per month on every three mobile-service members (called a Trio) that they or someone in their network introduce to Solavei. When members have more than three Trios in their network, the income generated is greater than their monthly mobile service plan cost of $49.00, making it essentially free. Members earn a Fast Action Bonus for Trios they directly enroll in their first 60 days. Solavei members earn increased monthly pay as their network grows and they advance in rank."

Now, lets look at the time of existence, less than two years.  At Mentoring For Free, we tell people NOT to join a company that is less than two years old.  Why? Simple, most new companies fail within the first two years.  Solavei is a great example.  But that is not the only reason.  I believe that the main reason they are failing is the products offered.  Their main product was mobile service.  What is wrong with offering mobile service when virtually every one wants it?  Competition!  There just is too much of it.  How do Solavei distributors compete with all those blaring ads on radio and TV?  They can't.

The other problem Solavei distributors had is the fact that this service was available only in the Continental US and, looking at the coverage map, somewhat limited coverage at that.  The really successful MLMs are available in most countries in the world giving their distributors a much wider audience.

The other aspect of the truly successful MLMs is that they offer products that women will be attracted to, products women will develop an emotional attachment to.  After all 68% of network marketers worldwide are women.  I don't see too many women getting really excited about mobile service.

So if you are looking for a company, do your homework and find out as much as you can about the company.  Make sure it has the following :

1.   The people who own/run the company have a good reputation and have actually built a MLM business.

2.   That the company is at least two years old and that they are in trending industry.

3.   Make sure they offer products that add value to people and are value priced.  The products must be something physical that you will get in the mail and preferably consumable.  A franchise doesn't count, a web site doesn't count and training and tools don't count.

4.   Make sure the compensation plan is structured in a way that it will pay the part time distributor.

5.   Make sure you have available a simple, proven duplicable system to build the business.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Signs You’re Going To Make It Big One Day by Ariella Coombs

We’ve all got dreams of making it ‘big’ one day, but how many of us actually follow through with those dreams? We make excuses for our lack of success, saying things like, “Life got in the way,” or “I can’t handle anymore rejection.”

But not you! You’re on the fast-track to fame and success. Or are you?

Think you’ve got what it takes to make it big? Here are some signs you’re right:

1. You’ve Got A Dream (A Big One!)

What’s your vision? What do you want to accomplish? What are your hopes and dreams? Having a dream – even if it’s a little vague – is crucial for success. Before you can start your journey, you need to have a goal in mind!

In the words of Walt Disney, "If you can dream it, you can do it." (And before you can do it, you've got to dream it!)

2. You’ve Got A Road Map, But You're Prepared To Take Detours

They say success is where preparation and opportunity meet. So, when opportunity comes ‘a knockin,’ you’re going to want to have your plan already in place. Think of it as your road map to making it big!

What steps do you need to take to get where you want to be? Who do you need to know? What skills do you need to have?

But, let's be real here, nothing EVER goes exactly according to plan. You need to be able to adapt to whatever life throws at you. Think of those things as detours. They're not a huge deal as long as you figure how to get back on the main road!

3. You’re Extremely Curious

You need to have an innate fascination with whatever it is you’re working toward. You've got to learn as much as you can about the industry, the people, the culture, and so on. You need to want to be consumed by it. You've got to understand the problems and be excited about finding solutions. You’ve got to be passionate, excited, and curious about all areas of the biz.

When Larry King made his debut in radio, he made a point to become consumed in the biz. In addition to doing his own show, he did the weather reports, the sports updates, and the news broadcasts. He even volunteered to fill in in for people who were out sick, and took on double shifts.

Why? He wanted to learn all there was to know about the biz. He wanted to practice. He wanted to be good at what he did. The only way to do that was to explore and go above and beyond what was asked of him. He called it "taking extra batting practice."

4. You’re A Little Cocky (Just A Little)

If you really want to make it, you’ve got to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Without confidence, you can so easily get crushed negativity and criticism – things you will have to deal with once you hit the spotlight.

You have to be confident. You have to trust yourself. And you have to have a deep understanding that you’re going to make it. For actress Jennifer Lawrence, that understanding came at a young age.

“I always knew that I was going to be famous,” she told Vogue magazine. “I honest to God don't know how else to describe it. I used to lie in bed and wonder: ‘Am I going to be a local TV person? Am I going to be a motivational speaker?’ It wasn't a vision. But as it's kind of happening, you have this buried understanding: Of course.”

5. You Realize Failure Is A Minor Setback, Not A Game Changer

If you’re even thinking about making it big one day, the word “quit” can’t be in your vocabulary. In the end, you don’t succeed because you don’t fail; you succeed because you don’t give up. The second you quit, you’ve lost.

Take Michael Jordan, for example. He has a famous quote, "I've failed over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed." The only reason he succeeded was because he didn't let those failures discourage him to the point of quitting. Why? Because he realized his failures were only minor setbacks - not game changers.

I guarantee you that everyone you look up to has failed at one point or another, but did that stop them from picking themselves back up and moving forward? No way, Jose. And that’s why they’re successful.

If you’ve got all of these qualities – congratulations. I’m sure we’ll be hearing your name sometime soon!

What are your secrets to success? What else do you think is necessary for making it big? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Ariella Coombs
Content Strategist | Blogger | Managing Editor for | 2+ Years Content Management | @AriellaCoombs

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

You Mean There Are Only Four Types Of People In The World

Thats right, you can take any group of people any where in the world and you can divide them into four distict types.

Here is a quote from Michael Dlouhy's Powerful Networking Secrets :

"400 years before Jesus Christ, the Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates wrote about the four basic personality types and called them Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy, and Choleric.

In 1921, Dr. Carl Jung wrote the most detailed book ever on this subject.  He called the 4 personality types Feeler, Sensor, Thinker, and Intuitive. Florence Littauer later wrote a detailed book about Phlegmatic, Sanguine,
Melancholy, and Choleric."

When you talk to people and really listen to what they have to say, you will realize that they are either open or self contained and they are either direct or indirect.

Open people will readily answer your questions whereas self contained people will either not answer your questions, skirt around the question, that is they will give you an answer that is not related to you question or instead of answering they will ask a question of their own.

Direct people will give you much more than you asked for and will try to control the conversion.  Indirect people will answer with a few words and many times hesitate before answering.  Direct people can think and speak at the same time whereas indirect people must think and then speak.

I will now use the above information to describe the four types of personalities.  I will be using Michael Dlouhy's technique of identifying the types using colours.  It is much easier to remember four colours than to remember "Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy, and Choleric" or even "Feeler, Sensor, Thinker, and Intuitive".

So lets start with the Open and Direct people.  We call them the Blue personality type.  They make up 15% of the population.  You ask them a question, they don’t quit answering. They just keep going and going and going until you have to interrupt them to ask the next question. THAT is direct.  And they’re open. Blue will tell you their life story, including all the gory details you never wanted to know. The combination of open and direct means that Blue is very confident in what they know and what they do. They can walk up to anybody and talk about anything. Blue loves being with people and is always the life of the party.  The favourite occupations for a blue are sales, entertainment or public speaking.

Open and indirect people are the Yellow personality type.   They make up 35% of the population.  These are just amazing people. They are the best listeners. They’re dependable.  They’re easy to get along with. They are team players. They are
so patient and supportive and they’re nurturing. They’re very open with their feelings, but they are indirect. In other words, you ask them a question, they answer, and they stop. When they answer your question and stop, that means they’re open, but they’re indirect. That is a yellow.  Yellow has built the largest organizations, when they finally get the belief that they can do it.  Yellow is polite and softspoken.  Happy with themselves. They enjoy life and they enjoy being alive. They dance to a different drummer. They don’t like confrontation. They hate any kind of bully.

Self Contained and Indirect people are the Green personality type.  They make up 35% of the population.  When you’re talking to Green, they’re trying to calculate and figure out ahead of you why you’re asking the question. So you need to take a breath. You need to slow down.  You can’t talk too fast with Green. They are indirect & selfcontained.  They think they’re the smartest people on the planet. So what they do is, they try to figure out, calculate and analyze why you’re even asking them the question.  So ask the question and let it sink in before you go on. Slow down the pace. The indirect will not give you more information than they think you need. (Yellow & Green) They enunciate their words correctly and they talk slower, so that while they’re talking, their mind is still figuring out why you’re asking the question.  In fact, Green spends so much time in their head, trying to figure things out, that they get paralysis by analysis.  Recognize that. Give Greens a breathing space when you talk to them.  Green expects you to listen to what they have to say. If you don’t listen to them, they’ll scratch you off their list. And never be late with a Green. If you have an appointment with them, be on time or early. One minute late is noticed and frowned on. Greens are very punctual people. They pride themselves on being punctual and correct.

Self Contained and Direct people are the Red personalith type.  They make up 15 percent of the population.  Red is very direct, like the Blue. But what happens is, sometimes people think they’re being open, when they’re not. They are just very, very direct.  Direct and selfcontained.  They will go right to you and want to know why you are asking that question.  But then they’re also selfcontained, like the Green. They won’t show you their weakness. It’s critical to them that they keep that away from you.  Red is so direct in answering your question that you might think they’re being open with you. But they aren’t. They’re being direct, and they are going to control the conversation. They’re going to ask you a question, and don’t think you’re going to avoid the question. They will get their questions answered.  Red is money motivated, driven by money. Everything in their core revolves around money, success, being #1 in the company. Yellow isn’t at all focused on money, and they often have more of it than Red.  Red also demands a show of respect.  If Red calls you and decides to join your network marketing business, don’t dare try to stick them under somebody else. They are going to be sponsored directly frontline to you, or not at all. “I don’t need anybody to burp me, diaper me, hold my hand. So don’t you think you’re going to put me under somebody else.”  So don’t go there.  And don’t think you’re going to coach Red. Because Reds are not coachable.  Some of my very best friends are Reds. But I wouldn’t have them in business with me if you gave me the company.  I wouldn’t do it.  You go out to eat with Red, they try to order you to eat what they’re eating.  If you meet with them in their office, they never tire of telling you how their company’s success depends entirely on their actions.  I just couldn’t tolerate their ego.

It is important to note that 70% of the population is indirect.  So if you are talking to a crowd of people, slow it down otherwise you will lose most of your audience.

This is just a brief synopsis of the topic.  There is a lot more information available so if you are interested in more let me know.

At Mentoring For Free, on the first Saturday of every month we have a special call where Michael Dlouhy and Richard Dennis discuss the personality colours. If you want to join us let me know and I will give you the number and the PIN.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Think & Grow Rich

Thoughts are powerful positive things when transmuted into
definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for
their translation into riches for our hearts Desire.  Thoughts
are also powerfully destructive when we “think” ourselves into
taking short cuts.  There is no shortcut or substitution for
education, skill development and persistent action.  Truth is
we know short cuts are a lie, a trap.  We take them anyway,
we fail.  Now our thoughts fester to anger, and fear locks us up
in more doubt and indecision.  Yes, shortcuts are proven time

After 10 years of failure then eventually massive success
because he did not quit, my mentor wrote the book “Success
in 10 Steps” available to anyone for FREE so they too will
discover the same truths which took him 10 years.  He now
offers all network marketer the same system he learned and
teaches his team.  The system is called “Mentoring for Free”
and yes, it is FREE.  Now thousands of network marketers
worldwide are using this system to gain success in their
chosen network marketing opportunities.

Mentoring for Free is a NWM skills and personal development
forum for all NW Marketers, taught by Internationally
recognized Coaches & Mentors from the NW Marketing Industry
worldwide.  One of the mantras is, “your current lack of
success in network marketing is not your fault”.  How could it
be if you do not know the truth nor have the real skills required
for success in this industry.

Our mind wants short cuts, it constantly wants it easier.  It
does not want to do the work…IT JUST WANTS.  It wants
now.  It will not wait.  It will do everything it can to justify its
actions.  When it fails it will use every excuse not to accept
blame.  Another trap, it knows the truth and that very
knowledge causes personal misery and additional failures.  It
says I’ll “try” it again, I’ve learned my lesson…then it pushes
to get its way again because it Wants, Wants, Wants.  It
wants quick gratification, has no real faith or patience.  Hill
said in the chapter on Fear, “Recognize the fact that all
human beings, are, by nature, lazy, indifferent, and
susceptible to all suggestions which harmonize with our
weaknesses.  It takes a willing desire, effort and action to

Do not quit, the most common cause of failure is the habit of
quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.  Quitting
takes no effort.  Success requires persistent effort toward
attaining your desires and takes ever-so-much consistency.

Mentoring for Free will help you develop the skills, the attitude
(personal development) and the action required for you to be
successful in your network marketing opportunity.  “Learn how
to think not what to think” – Michael Dlouhy.

As always, remember "Thoughts are truly Things".

Russ Aker
Portland OR.,11750.0.html