Thursday, September 25, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Reggie Liggins in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :  

The First Step toward Riches

"You may as well know, right here, that you can never have riches in great quantities, UNLESS you can work yourself into a white heat of DESIRE for money, and actually BELIEVE you will possess it."

"There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish."
~ Napoleon Hill

I should just speak for myself, but I know a lot of well-meaning network marketers suffer from the sickness that has dogged me for years, namely unbelief. I mean that is what it has to be. When it comes to wanting to be free, wanting to own my life, to be debt-free, to have a job optional lifestyle, yes I desire that very much. That is why I have struggled in this and several other businesses trying create that mailbox money, a residual income that will not only take care of me, but my children and their children.

A couple of people on the Mentoring for Free Coach's Corner Mastermind call the other day asked the question what do we have to do in order increase the level of our desire, to stoke it into that white heat that Napoleon Hill talks about. I personally don't believe people would bother with Mentoring for Free if they did not have the desire to be free. It seems to me that the problem is our actions don't seem to match our desire.

We say we want to be free, but we elect to sit in front of the television instead of prospecting for leads. We choose to read the newspaper instead of reading something that would move us further along in our business or enrich our minds. We know that the "fortune is in the follow up", yet we are not willing to pick up the phone and call our leads. And yes, I can personally substitute "I" for "we" in all of the above sentences.

Michael Dlouhy, and now Tuula Rands, love to pose the question: "What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?". I could state it another way and ask, "What would you do if you believed all of your efforts would succeed?" If you believed that your lead would join your business, you wouldn't even hesitate to call, let alone debate with yourself whether you should or not. If you believed that the next Michael Dlouhy was right around the corner, would you do your prospecting and look for him? Of course you would! If you believed that an idea that would totally revolutionize your business was in the next book, would you read it? You would be crazy not to. Besides what we input into our minds (read) determine our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our beliefs. And our beliefs determine our actions.

Now obviously, not everyone is not going to join your business or buy your product. But if you talk to enough people, instead of failing to talk to enough due to your unbelief, you can have everything you want. In almost every coaching call I have heard Michael Dlouhy do, he tells people that if you talk to 100 people, you will get 10 customers and 1 distributor. So roughly 90% of the people you talk to won't be ready, and that's ok. We just have to sift through those to find the ones who are.

But to those who want to increase their desire, Hill says to follow the six steps he laid out in this chapter. It has to become a daily discipline. Here they are again:

First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter). 

Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.)

Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ—SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY. 

Hill tells us to pay particular attention to the Sixth Step. And even here, we have to "SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY."

The Master Teacher tells us in Mark 11:24, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye DESIRE, when ye pray, BELIEVE that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, but you have to believe in order to achieve.

Peace and Prosperity,
Reggie Liggins
Beaverton, OR

Thank you Reggie allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,225.0.html

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chapter 15 The Six Ghosts of Fear by Katherine Clement

This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Katherine Clement in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 15  The Six Ghosts of Fear by Katherine Clement

"Even a dog or a horse knows when its master lacks courage; moreover, a dog or a horse will pick up the vibrations of fear thrown off by its master, and behave accordingly."

When I read that paragraph and thought back on the calls this week, it reminded me of a poem I wrote back in 2005.

Thought I would share...

The Perfect Mirror

She was the color of a copper penny, shiny and new...Her brown eyes so deep, you could lose yourself in them. She came to me out of nowhere to heal me in ways I am only now beginning to understand 10 years later. Oddly enough, all this time I thought I had been the one to heal her. She came to me traumatized. Afraid of cars, roads, bridges, water, wind...You name it, She ran from it.

She spoke to my heart without a single word. I felt her Fear and sympathized. I would be Strong...for her. I would help her conquer her fears. I would save her...from herself.

I worked with her every day, with Patience...with Love. We confronted each fear, one at a time...together. When she would start to quiver and tense, her eyes wild, nostrils flaring, I would speak softly to her...assure her that I would allow no harm to come to her. We would face it together...she was no longer alone.

I was so Proud of her and so Honored that she had chosen me to Trust. She held her ground and pushed past her fear...and overcame it. Each one was just as frightening at first, but as she gained confidence and her trust in me grew, each obstacle faded a little quicker. By the time we parted ways, she could face anything with total Confidence...steady as a rock. It broke my heart to let her go, yet I felt great satisfaction knowing that I had helped her grow and overcome the things that haunted her.

What a Blind, Egotistical Fool I've been...

It has taken me ten years to realize the Gift she gave me. To understand that it was not "I", who helped her, but She, who was the Perfect Mirror. I gaze into that mirror now and see how I lived in fear. Running from everything and trusting no one. Then with Love and Patience, she spoke softly to my Soul and helped me realize that I had the Courage within to overcome. To face my fears, to Honor myself and stand proud and tall...and Free.

Thank you Glorious Chestnut Angel.       KC 3/2005

We were reminded this week to approach our fears and build our confidence, one step at a time. Ariel and I started out really small...just sitting together. Then I would talk to her....groom her. With each experience she gained trust and confidence in me, that I would protect her and lead her safely. This cannot help but remind me of Mentoring for Free. Michael takes us and shows us step by step how to build ourselves. Although most of us are timid at first, even fearful... with each call and every interaction, we gain Trust and Confidence that he will Lead us Safely.

People come to MFF traumatized. They have been beaten up by network marketing, often stripped of finances and dignity.

Losing confidence in themselves because they made poor decisions based on poor information. Michael tells us, it's not our fault. He assures us that if we just Trust him and do what he asks, no harm will come to us. Just like an animal "feels" fear...Michael feels ours. He sympathizes and encourages us to overcome the things that haunt us. We grow more confident with each success and soon become Solid as a Rock. We are very Blessed to have such a Leader. One who speaks Softly to our Souls and is Leading us to Freedom.

Thank you Michael, Linda and my MFF family. It is so Wonderful to be here!

Katherine Clement

Thank you Katherine for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,223.0.html

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :  

Think & Grow Rich

Chapter Fifteen 

Indecision causes procrastination and doubt.  Doubt 
creates Fear.  Fear diverts attention and impedes action.  
Do you know how many times you’ve said, “I’ll start 
tomorrow”?  Action Step four in the chapter on Desire Hill 
says, “create a definite plan for what it is you Desire and 
begin at once whether you are ready or not.”

What is that fear which stops us in our tracts?  Criticism.

I suggest a good escape route is a real honest evaluation 
of our Ego.  Our ego will deny the existence of fear, 
indecision, doubt and ego itself, using every excuse 
available not wanting to let go.  Ego allows us excuses to 
blame failure on something outside of us.  If we are 
allowed to see these enemies, our ego fears we will be 
discovered as less valuable and important… it FEARS 
Criticism (criticism being the second greatest fear).  Ego 
has a dictionary full of reasons and excuses.

Ego is first party to denial and wants us to keep thinking 
our lives are in the control of something outside of us.  Our 
ego knows if we come awake and start to see, then we’ll 
have to take action in an unknown environment outside the 
misery of our current comfort zone.  Why are we so 
miserable in what seems comfortable?  Because our 
comfort zone is only a looking glass for viewing our Desire.  
We must step through the looking glass and experience 
the uncomfortable to attain what we seek…or quit looking 
through the glass and torturing ourselves.

If one has to Fear something Fear this...
Hill - “Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite us is 
TIME. If we hesitate before moving, or neglect to move 
promptly, we will be wiped off the board by time. We are 
playing against a partner who will not tolerate 
INDECISION!” ...Your move!

Russ Aker
Portland, OR

Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,223.0.html

Or join us in our forum here :

Friday, September 5, 2014

What Is The Mentoring For Free System All About?

Mentoring For Free, Where you learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think!

Most of you have heard the phrase that over 90 percent of all network marketers struggle and fail with their network marketing business. Most professional network marketers know why. Lack of success is not your fault, it is the lack of  proper skills training.

The Mentoring For Free System was created by Michael Dlouhy and Richard Dennis ("Dead Doctors Don't Lie" & "Tomato Warning").  Both are super successful professional network marketers. Michael Dlouhy has had full time income from network marketing and is debt free for the past 28 years.

Why would lack of success be your fault if you are not given accurate truthful information about how to be successful in this industry. Michael Dlouhy consistently teaches frustrated network marketers that their lack of success has not been their fault.

The Mentoring For Free system teaches network marketers how to effectively evaluate a network marketing company and compensation plans. The system teaches network marketers about the 4 basic personality types and how to properly and effectively speak the language of each personality to get better prospecting results. The system teaches network marketers to never, ever close a prospect. Instead, the system advocates giving prospects truthful and accurate information about the network marketing profession and then let the prospect close himself or herself.

The system host 10 "live" and interactive training calls every week where anyone may dial in to the training calls and learn the skills one needs to be successful. All the training is free.

At Mentoring For Free we believe that network marketing is not a sales business. Rather, they believe and teach that network marketing is a people business, a relationship business, a teaching and mentoring business. Both believe and teach to concentrate on building people first and then people will build the business.

I have been part of the Mentoring For Free since February, 2011. I have learned to build stronger relationships with my family, my friends, the people I mentor and my customers. I understand why people say the things they say and do the things they do. Mentoring For Free is like a family to me. We have members all over the world. Those I associate with, we help each other. We learn, we teach, we share skills on these conference calls with everyone on the training calls.

It is the best lead generation and training system for network marketers plus it is all for free no matter what company you are in. If you would like to learn more about the Mentoring For Free System, then I invite you to go to and