Saturday, November 29, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Marsha Sortino in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :


The Tenth Step toward Riches

Can you feel the change?

It is the change that has us vibrating at the highest level through the emotion of sex. The emotion of sex is passion, charisma and sex appeal, all bundled in the highest calling we call Love. Love is eternal and we amplify this emotion that transcends us.

As I read this chapter, Mr. Hill says it is about changing of energy; that passion swelling up inside that must come out. It will be expressed in some form!

We have learned that self talk, a constant positive conversation with our selves and it is the driving force in change because we are speaking to the Divine. We change as we tell ourselves to change. It is our energetic vibrant power within us that says we are superstars. Yes, we are superstars in this arena called network marketing. We do not begin as superstars, we grow into superstars.  If we don't tell ourselves this, then who will? Exactly-no one will, except me, my friends here at the mastermind group in MFF and Michael and Lind Dlouhy who believe in me and the people we have engaged with whom we have inspired and been inspired by. We attract this energy and are also attracted to this energy that flows around us and within us as we pour out more sex transmuting energy.

And then there are our ebook downloads from people who come to know like and trust us.  Are we creating the magic connection with them also? Are we being of service to them

So the mystery is me falling in love with me and my Life once again, renewing joy and inspiring myself and others intentionally. It was a process to feel fully and powerfully alive and authentic again. I feel free in the moment, which allows me to be present.

And as network marketers applying what we continue to study here in T&GR we attract what we want in life, the people, the places, the things and our spiritual growth. We become geniuses!  We demonstrate and communicate who we are and what we desire in Life.

As I change, the mystery becomes revealed to me. I become genuinely authentic, myself; growing into the person I was meat to become all along.

Get determined, get driven, find your courage, be your own cheerleader, find your passion and attract the people who become your superstars with you!

Sex transmutation is change from within and you must feel it. You cannot buy it. You cannot fake it. You must become that person people are attracted to through the good, positive, sexy energy you transcend.

Much love and appreciation,

Marsha Sortino

Thank you Marsha for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,234.0.html

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 10 Power of a Master Mind - The Driving Force By Russ Aker

This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :  

Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 10 

Power of a Master Mind - The Driving Force By Russ Aker
The Ninth Step toward Riches

The power of connecting with a Master Mind of like mined people in Network 
Marketing is like utilizing a pulley system to lift and maneuver heavy loads 
eliminating continued struggle and possible failure.  Many Network Marketers 
continue to struggle or fail because; individually they do not have the strength of 
Persistence, Knowledge or Skill to master what eventually seems overwhelming 

One should be asking, “And how do I pick a Master Mind Group and a Mentor I 
can trust?”  The answer is, both Master Mind and Mentor will always give and 
never take. “NEVER TAKE”!  If you are reading this lesson, you are “THREE 

Have you ever read the book “Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill”?  Go to the 
Introduction.  Hill tells the story of Edwin C. Barnes, how through determination, 
Persistence and Faith he attained the assistance of a Mentor and Master Mind, 
used the new resources at his disposal to eventually master the Success 
Formula.  Using these principles he made himself number one man with Thomas 
Edison.  Then Hill relates a second story, he says, “let us look at a different 
situation, and study a man who had plenty of tangible evidence of riches, but lost 
it, because he stopped three feet short of the goal he was seeking, “THREE 

If you are in a Network Marketing Opportunity and you are reading this lesson, I 
know you are digging for Gold.  Everyone who begins in Network Marketing 
caught a little “Gold Fever” and started digging for gold.  97% of all Network 
Marketers struggle and like most Gold Miners; they jump from claim to claim 
knowing they’ll strike it rich in the next opportunity.  Most keep struggling many 
eventually quit just like R. U. Darby.

Darby’s initial “Gold Strike” was pure luck and when the vein ran out Darby did 
not know what to do next.  Why did Darby quit, because he did not have the 
Knowledge or Skill to continue and he failed to seek a trusted source of expert 

The story continues…”Darby sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred 
dollars, and took the train back home.  Some “junk” men are dumb, but not this 
one! He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. 
The engineer advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not 
familiar with “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the GOLD vein would be 
found JUST THREE FEET from where Darby had stopped drilling! That is exactly 
where it was found!  The “Junk” man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine, 
because he knew enough to SEEK EXPERT COUNCIL before giving up.”

We all know in Network Marketing people do not start with the “Luck” Darby was 
so blessed with.  So, words of warning, when considering a Network Marketing 
Opportunity, don’t be AMBUSHED by Human Nature?  If it sounds too good to be is!  Success in Network Marketing is not based on chance or luck, it is 
not a lottery.  STOP being deceived by a little glittery gold dust; seek expert 
council through a trusted Mentor and Master Mind.

At this very moment you are THREE FEET FROM GOLD.  "Dig deeper" in your 
understanding and skills in Network Marketing and go for the vein.  Contact the 
person who shared this lesson with you and ask them for the free Book “Success 
in 10 Steps”.  I am confident you’ll find you have come in contact with expert 
council, a trusted Mentor and Master Mind.

Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here : 

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Monday, November 17, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Barbara Wilson in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :


Have you ever paid attention to a farm, season after season, year after
year? You may see the farmer out there through all kinds of weather taking
care of his crops or animals. It doesn't matter what nature throws at him,
he steadfastly goes about his chores.

We live in a farming community and see this all around us.  If a farmer
loses a calf because of a cold snap, he doesn’t stop taking care of the
rest of the cows.  If a freeze gets his peanuts, you will still see him
planting again next year.  If a storm lays down an almost ready wheat
field, he will just change his plans and bale it for hay instead of harvesting
the grain.  No, his crop won’t be as lucrative but all is not lost. He never
quits being a farmer because of adversity.

We can compare this to our network marketing business.  If we lose one
of our top team members, we don’t just quit.  We go find someone else.
If we find out that our company is not a five pillars company or it simply
goes out of business, we don’t quit.  We go find another company.  If our
company changes our comp plan, which may remove some of our goals,
and is still a basically good company, we don’t quit. We change our goals.
We don’t quit being a professional network marketer because of adversity.

Hill says that, “Without PERSISTENCE, you will be defeated, even before you
start. With PERSISTENCE you will win.”

When we start our network marketing journey, every one of us, like Hill
can say, “I had a fine opportunity, then and there, to kill off ambition
before it gained control of me.”  But know this, “Every minute
it lives, gives it a better chance of surviving.”

I have found this to be true.  Persistence keeps the fire burning brightly.
If you feel the fire burning low, the remedy is to take action.  Put out
invitations for your e-book, make some contact with new people on your
social media sites, or do some follow-up calls with your mentor.  Don’t
suffer in silence while the fire dies out and you die with your music still
in you.  If we do this we can make “Life yield whatever
price is asked.”

In Dave Ramsey’s book, The Legacy Journey, Dave tells this story. One
day over lunch, he was talking to a really rich guy, a billionaire to be
exact. Dave asked him this question, “What can I do today that will
get me closer to where you are in your business and in your wealth

He said, “Okay, here are two things.  First, I’ve never met anyone
who wins at money who doesn’t give generously.  You've got to keep a
giving spirit if you want to win long term.” Dave was excited about this.
He had this one down.

“Second, I want you to read a book. This is my favorite book. I read it
several times a year.  I read it to my children, and now I read it to my
grandchildren over and over. It will change your life, your money and
your business forever.” Dave is a reader so he was very excited about
this.  This megabillionaire was going to tell him the book that changed
his life.

He said, “Dave have you ever read The Tortoise and the Hare?...The
tortoise just keeps moving forward, slow and steady. And you know
what? Every time I read the book the tortoise wins.”

Thank you Michael and Linda for providing this forum. Thank you Roger
and all the other great members of this mastermind group.

With love to all!
Barbara Wilson  T

hank you Barbara for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,232.0.html

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Thursday, November 13, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Hill writes in this Chapter that "Analysis of several hundred people
who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million-dollar mark
disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of reaching
decisions promptly, and of changing these decisions slowly, if, and
when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money,
without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all,
very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often".

These words instantly remind me of a conversation I once had with
one of my older brothers while we were sharing breakfast and
enjoying our monthly master mind session. Reggie, my brother,
shared with me that one thing our Dad was most intrigued by was
my history of making a decision to do something and sticking with
that decision until I had accomplished the thing. Reggie told me
that I am not one who is easily distracted. He told me that I am a
plodder. He described me as someone who takes action on a daily
basis to accomplish my goals and that I do not let anyone nor
anything take me off course. That is exactly how I finished college
and law school. It took me 9 years after graduating from high school
to finish college. Most people finish in 4 or 5 years after high school.
But, the thing is, I stuck with it. I did not quit. I plodded along until
I got it done. The same thing with law school. I made a decision to
graduate from college and did so. I made a decision to graduate from
law school and did so.

And, on September 2, 2010, I made another decision. On that day, I
made a decision that I was going to accept the offer of Michael Dlouhy
for him to help me to own my life. Period. Done. End of discussion. Since
that day, I have made other decisions and I have plodded along my
journey until I accomplished the decisions I made. One decision was to
become one of the best students of the network marketing profession.
I have diligently and relentlessly studied network marketing by reading
books, listening to CD's, plugging into the Mentoring For Free training,
and by plugging into the Fortune Now training offered by Tom "Big Al"
Schreiter. I also made a decision to learn the skills of how to effectively
speak with prospects. And, after I made these decisions, I practiced
these skills until they became habits for me. I practiced these skills
over and over and over until they became second nature for me. Until
they became such a part of my subconscious mind that the application
of these skills is now automatic.

I have made a decision to own my life and to use the network marketing
profession as the vehicle to take me there. I have an incredibly strong
"Why"! My "Why" is to be able to do things, anything, because I want to
and not because someone else or others want me to! For example, just
this morning, I had to make a court appearance for a law client. I did not
want to awaken early. I did not want to have to put my suit on. I did not
want to have to drive to the courthouse. If I owned my life, I could have
slept in this morning until I was done sleeping. If I owned my life, I could
have stayed in my home all day if I wanted to. If I owned my life, I could
have left my home anytime if I wanted to.

But, I do not yet own my life. So, I know that until I do, I will have to
continue to do things because other people want me to. But, this is going
to change. Why? Because, I have made a decision to change it. I have
made a decision to own my life. And, since I am an expert plodder, I know,
without any doubt, that owning my life IS going to happen. It is, simply,
just a matter of time! It is a decision that I have made! And, once I make
a decision, whatever it is that I have decided to do will happen!

Thank you and Best Wishes, Always!

Steve Porter, Hannibal, Missouri, USA -
Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,231.0.html

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Think & Grow Rich Chapter 7 The Sixth Step Toward Riches - Organized Planning By Russ Aker

This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Think & Grow Rich Chapter 7
The Sixth Step Toward Riches - Organized Planning By Russ Aker

The Crystallization of Desire into Action

One must identify what it is they Desire, PLAN for it…Take
Action on the plan…But, it might be wise to do it Right the…
“THIRD TIME AROUND” - The Third Time Around?

To most people this whole Network Marketing thing does not
come naturally.  We have plenty of life’s events and pre-
programming to overcome.

THE FIRST TIME AROUND.  People reading this Lesson grew
to adults, possibly went on to college, got a job started a family
and worked 40+hr weeks all dictated by everything we were
programmed to know about supporting ourselves, our families
and being a productive citizen, an active part of society.  Inside
we yearned for something else.  Most felt the yearning but didn’t
know what to do except try to find a job that paid more (pre-

Then one day we’re approached by someone in Network
Marketing.  We listened for a moment, “ah, I’ve been told about
these schemes and scams”.  We hold up the silver cross put the
garlic around our necks and run…just like our prospects did
before we learned exactly word for word what to say and do…

THE SECOND TIME AROUND.  But as time passed it occurred
there may be more to it than we thought, we had been given a
glimpse of the Network marketing promise and couldn’t let it go.
We eventually enrolled in a Network Marketing company.

We don’t know what to do so our up-line gave us a PLAN.  We
knew this was the correct PLAN because our up-line told us
exactly what they were told.  Make a list of family and friends, all
the business people and professions you know and go tell them
about this GREAT Product and business opportunity.  They will
all see how this wonderful opportunity will allow them to retire
years earlier then they otherwise could.


So off we go, plan in hand.  A little fearful but excited and
motivated we start…vomiting.  Almost immediately people start
holding up the silver crosses, putting garlic around their necks
running and not answering the phone when we call.  We become
discouraged, doubtful and very fearful.  As time passes our
activity ceases and our up-line pushes.  The big issue, no one
ever really told us step by step what do and say word for
word…they just said do-it and we did.

How does one create an organized plan out of that?  We had the
umpteen years of pre-programming before Network Marketing
now we have the rejection and fear to overcome…what plan will
get us through that?

THE THIRD TIME AROUND.  When you read the ebook
Success in 10 Steps the author told you, and you began to
discover, why your struggling and lack of Success in Network
Marketing was not your fault.  For those of you in Network
Marketing but have not yet read the book, ask the person who
shared this lesson with you to share the book as well.

Here is an Organized Plan.  Voluntarily commit to the
instructions in the book.  Participate at Mentoring for Free and be
here a year from now.  You’ll learn “How to Think, not what to

From the book “Think and grow Rich” you’ll learn, “Thoughts are
THINGS”, so adjust your thinking.  You’ll learn how to build
Desire for Success, how to have Faith, (Faith…I have it, I can do
it, I am it…regardless of the current evidence).  Learn the power
of self-talk; re-program yourself from the negative influences that
hold you captive.  You are now beginning to understand what
“Specialized Knowledge” in network marketing is.  Learning the
art of attraction and exactly what to say and do to be Successful
in your opportunity.  Now “Imagine”…yes there is a difference
between day-dreaming and Imagination…it will “pay big dividends”
to understand this principle.

Your new PLAN is all of the above. Napoleon Hill says,  “Put
your Plan into ACTION this moment whether you are ready or
not.”  You will soon learn word for word what to say and do…

Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,230.0.html

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