Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why You Need To Have Faith And How To Induce IT

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" posted by my good friend Margi Starr in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 3—Faith (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)

I met Michael and Linda Dlouhy seven years ago in Houston, Texas.
I had heard Michael's voice many times on the MFF calls (as I sat quietly
in the shadows) and when I met him in person,  I was even more
awestruck by his larger-than-life personality.

Aware that many of the people at the event would be on tight budgets,
Michael and Linda had coolers filled with food in their suite.  By the end
of the event, I found myself dining at their table, grateful for their
generosity, and mesmerized by every word they spoke.

With such little faith in myself, I found I could hang onto their Faith.

Several years later I was in Florida and the Dlouhy’s took a group of us
to Clearwater Beach. Walking barefoot in the sand to the water's edge,
Michael said, “When you really believe you can do this, it will happen.”

Encouraging words for sure, but so frustrating!  How does one achieve
that level of belief???

Here’s what I’ve discovered…

First, it takes time.  We hear about the newbie marketers who rocket
to the top of their companies within the first year or two.  Hurray for
them, but that is probably the exception.  For most of us, it’s the daily
retraining of our minds and growing our belief systems.

At first it’s fun to do Self Talk and read Personal Growth books.  After
a while, it’s not so fun.  That’s when it becomes work and only the
Warrior perseveres.

It’s the Warrior who continues to do Self Talk, despite hearing the
“No’s” or feeling “blah.”

It’s the Warrior who continues to read Think and Grow Rich over and
over again as well as other personal growth books when others are
reading romance fiction.

It’s the Warrior who continues to stay plugged into Mentoring for
Free calls and company calls.

It’s the Warrior who writes Think and Grow Rich lessons week after
week after week allowing the concepts to sink deeper into the sub-
conscious mind.

It’s the Warrior who retreats into her office to write a blog, post
Instagram pictures or watch a Periscope by business leaders, while
others in the house are watching movies.

It’s the Warrior who continues to Dream when others say,
“Network marketing doesn’t work for me.”

The FAITH part of network marketing cannot be underestimated.
When nurtured day by day, week by week, year by year, it grows
and expands, vanquishing doubt and disbelief.

Faith. Always. Triumphs.

Margi Starr, Warrior
Springfield, Ohio

Thank you Margi for allowing me to post your brilliance

See more great "lessons" here :,287.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why You Need A Red Hot Burning Desire

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that I posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

CHAPTER 2 (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)
The First Step toward Riches

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a
commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."  Mario Andretti

To want something or to wish for something is not enough.  We need to have a burning desire to succeed.  Once we have
developed that all consuming desire to succeed, we will be persistent and succeed.  Nothing will stop us, we will be
able to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

A strong enough desire will blow away all obstacles and energize body and soul.  A strong desire will not be quenched by
failures and disapointment.  So stoke up your desire and keep feeding it so it burns brighter than the sun.

I am grateful to Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse.

I am grateful to all who add their brilliance to this mastermind by speaking up and posting lessons.

I am grateful to all who download Success In 10 Steps and allow me to help them grow.

I am grateful to infinite intelligence for providing me with insights and hunches.  I had no idea what I was going to
write until I started, then it just flowed.

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada

P.S. "Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment." Marsha Sinetar

P.P.S "The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way." Robert Kiyosaki

See more great "lessons" here :,286.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Clean Out Your House Of Horrors

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that my good friend Ed Rands posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum about Chapter 15 of Napoleon Hill's Thank And Grow Rich:

When a person considers something to be valuable, they instinctively protect it.

Most people put their money into a bank because they believe it will be safer there than under their mattress. Important documents are often kept in a safe deposit box, or at least a fire resistant lockbox.

The US government supposedly keeps quite a lot of gold in Fort Knox, a place so well known for its security that it’s become a simile for impenetrable protection.

Corporations keep their research and development behind doors needing key codes, passcards, and biometric scans.

Houses have locking doors and windows. Higher levels of protection can include an alarm system. The top end includes trained dogs and armed guards.

Our mind, particularly our subconscious mind, contains what makes us who we are.

At the physical level, it runs all the autonomic functions that keep your body going. You breathe, your blood flows, your food digests and distributes to every cell without you giving it an aware thought.

It stores the information we’ve decided is useful, or at least might be interesting to share. The facts and figures and tidbits of knowledge.

It stores a lifetime of experiences. The images, the stories, the emotions, the meaning you interpreted from each event.

And it houses the most valuable communication device ever created. A device which can be trained to hear inspiration from the wisest, most powerful force in the universe.

Without my mind, I’d cease to be me. I’d cease to be anything but dead in an incredible hurry.

Sounds incredibly valuable to me. So why is it that so few take any precautions to protect it?

The untrained masses of the world treat their mind like an unguarded house. The gate is off its hinges, the door is flapping in the wind, and the windows are broken. Every bit of rubbish and riff-raff has taken up residence or at least shown up as an unwelcomed guest.

On the couch, seething and foam at the mouth sits Hatred.

Greed is staring out the window at the neighbor’s house, plotting how to take some of their things without being caught.

Superstition is in the kitchen, freaking out because a black cat just jumped onto the table, causing him to stumble backwards and tip over the salt shaker.

Out in the garage, revenge is sharpening a knife to a razor's edge.

Upstairs, anger is punching holes in the wall with bloodied knuckles.

Pacing around the living room is a hideous green monster of jealousy, ranting about how it should all be his.

What’s that rattling the closet door? Ahh, there it is. As the closet door is opened, Fear scrambles as far back into a dark corner as it can manage.

No protection, no security, no guard. These unwanted guests just sauntered, crawled or scurried in because nothing stopped them.

And that special communication system? It’s hiding under a tarp, shut down, unused and forgotten.

After reading chapter 12 of Think and Grow Rich, along with the rest of the rest of the book and the Mental Cleanse program, we are being educated on the critical value of our subconscious mind, and how important it is that it be guarded.

To put the gate back on the hinges, latch but not lock the door, fix the windows, and begin to systematically drive out the unwanted guests.

We’re being taught how to set and train the guard at the gate. A guard with a very specific list of positivity to allow to take up residence.

Desire seeks entrance. It’s wearing work clothes and comes running up to the gate. It’s radiating so much heat, it could set the place on fire. That’s okay, it’s a good kind of fire. Come on in.

In the bedroom, where it has been used and degraded, Sex is cleaning itself up and making itself truly alluring once more.

Enthusiasm climbs up onto the roof and shouts, “Woo-hoo! Let’s do this!”

Hope is in the backyard, pointing out the most beautiful sunrise ever seen, and how it’s the beginning of the most incredible day ever.

Romance has taken a seat on the patio, where it’s inspired to write a poem about how that sunrise just does not compare to the radiance of its lover’s beauty.

Faith is going about, quietly but confidently assuring everyone that the rebuilding can be done, that the dream and vision are possible.

Finally, as Fear is sent packing, Love comes up from the basement where it’s been locked away. The energy from it is incredible as it runs around hugging everyone, offering words of encouragement and getting to know everyone, building strong relationships.

Meanwhile, the special communication device is uncovered, cleaned off, plugged back in, turned on and tuned in. The volume knob doesn’t go very high, but when the house is still and peaceful, a voice can be heard offering inspiration, ideas and suggestions for an even better rebuild.

Solomon wrote “guard your heart, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Set up your guards, drive out the vermin and the riff-raff, perfect the protection system, and call in the incredible new residents longing to make a home in your mind.

Ed Rands
Kelowna, BC, Canada

Thank you Ed for allowing me to repost this.,

See more great "lessons" here :,281.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Brain -- Such A Marvel

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that I posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

CHAPTER 13 (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill)

The Twelfth Step toward Riches

The brain is a marvellous thing.  In my opinion, no man made device could ever match it.

The brain consists of two parts, the voluntary and the involuntary.  The involuntary part of the brain controls the functions required to keep us alive such as breathing and our heart beat.  We can control our breathing to a certain extent.  You can hold your breath for a while but eventually the involuntary will force you to breathe again.  The involuntary part is programmed as soon as its functions are required by the growing fetus.

The voluntary part of the brain is a blank slate and must be programmed through trial and error.  Witness the tot trying to walk for the first time.  He learns the use some piece of furniture to stand up and hang on to for a few tentative steps.  She will eventually let go and attempt a few steps on her own and fall down.  By repeating this process time after time, he will eventually be able to take more and more steps so that eventually he will cross the room.  In the process, the brain is learning what works best and uses this knowledge to improve performance.

This process is evident throughout our life.  That is how we learn to ride a bike, drive a car, play a sport, solve puzzles.  We use trial and error and practice.  Theory will not help you much, practice is the only way to really learn anything.  This means that no matter who you are, you can learn anything you set your mind to.  Yes, there will be a lot of failure and frustration at the beginning.  Michael Jordan became great because he practised and practised and practised until he became really good and even then he practised some more.

You can apply this to anything in your life, saying your self talk, talking to your students, leaving phone messages, etc.

The point here is that our brain learns through doing things over and over and over again.  It learns from the mistakes it makes.

Of course, what makes the brain so marvelous is that it is also a receiving and broadcasting station for thoughts.

I am grateful to Michael and Linda for all they do to help the thousands who have the courage to grow into the person they were meant to be.

I am grateful to all who participate in the MFF calls and add their energy to the mastermind so that we can all re-energize.

I am grateful to all who download STS and allow me to help them grow into the person they were meant to be.

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada

P. S. "The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe." Michio Kaku

P. P. S. "The human brain had a vast memory storage. It made us curious and very creative. Those were the characteristics that gave us an advantage - curiosity, creativity and memory. And that brain did something very special. It invented an idea called 'the future.'" David Suzuki

See more great "lessons" here :,282.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Power Of "I AM"!!!

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Steve Porter posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

This week I finished reading one of the best books I have ever found! The book
is entitled "The Power Of I Am" by Joel Osteen. The underlying principle of this
book is that "Whatever follows the words 'I Am' will eventually find you"!

Michael Dlouhy has consistently taught us that the secret to his and Linda's
success in network marketing is their "self talk" or their "I Am's".

So, I have been practicing some new "I Am's" while reading Joel Osteen's book.
And, I want to share them with you.

I Am becoming debt-free and financially free!
I Am attracting leaders into my business easily and consistently!
I Am attracting customers into my business easily and consistently!
With my network marketing business, I Am helping others to achieve their dreams!
With my network marketing business, I Am giving others real hope for a
     better future!
I Am becoming the best student of the network marketing profession!
I Am a Professional Network Marketer and I Am very proud of that fact!
I Am loyal to Michael and Linda Dlouhy and to the Mentoring For Free system!
I Am a child of the Most High God!
I Am able to accomplish anything I set my mind to!
I Am the owner of my mind, my time, and my life!
I Am finding that when I contact e-book downloads they are happy I contacted them!
I Am attracting quality e-book downloads who send me their "Why"!
I Am having fun building my network marketing business!
I Am having fun sharing my network marketing business with others!

I see a great similarity between Michael and Linda's "self talk" and Joel and
Victoria Osteen's "I Am"!

This "self-talk" and "I Am" stuff really works! Try it for yourself!

Steve Porter, Hannibal, Missouri, USA!Thank You Steve for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

See more great "lessons" here :,281.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Monday, September 28, 2015

Persistence! It Is Absolutely Necessary For Success!

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Steve Porter posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill):

Hill writes "The majority of people are ready to throw their aims
and purposes overboard and give up at the first sign of opposition
or misfortune. A few carry on despite all opposition, until they
attain their goal".

I am proud of myself. I am proud that I persisted with the Mentoring
For Free system. I signed on with Mentoring For Free on September 2,
2010. Then, I struggled mightily for the next 3 and a half years. But,
I did not give up. Then, after the first 3 plus years, I began to have

In the beginning though, I could not force myself to telephone an
e-book download. I was too fearful. I could not prospect people
offline. I was too fearful. My greatest fear was the fear of criticism.

But, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I hung in
there. I saw others who benefited from the Mentoring For Free
system. I believed that if the system could work for them that it
could work for me. I was so frustrated. I had tried to be successful
in network marketing. But, nothing ever worked for me.

My persistence finally paid off. By plugging into the Calls hosted by
Mentoring For Free, the success of others began to rub off on me.
My belief grew a little every week until my belief was strong.
At the same time as I was listening to the Mentoring For Free Calls,
I had purchased all of Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's CDs and books. I know
now that the reason for my breakthrough was the persistence I had
for becoming a better me. Then, one day, I made the decision to
become the best student of network marketing. I made the decision
to become a Professional Network Marketer. And, I began to practice.

I began to practice contacting e-book downloads. I began to practice
contacting prospects. I began to speak up and participate on the
Mentoring For Free Calls. As I began having success with prospecting,
I was even invited to speak on some of the Calls to teach what was
working for me. That really helped to skyrocket my belief level.

My belief level today, thanks to my persistence and never giving up,
is at an all-time high. I have never had the network marketing success
that I am having now. There are no longer any limits or ceilings to who
I may become and to what I may accomplish.

One of my favorite authors is Seth Godin. Seth writes "A different part of
the brain is activated when we consider what's possible as opposed to
what's required". I like this. I have trained my mind to focus on the
possibilities instead of on the requirements. I now know that I may
achieve anything I desire. I now know how to help others to achieve
anything they desire. I still have some fears. But, they do not stop me
anymore. I work through my fears. Every time I feel myself becoming
fearful, I remind myself that fear is nothing more than a state of mind
and that I am in control of my mind. I like to describe fear as follows:
F = False E= Evidence A= Appearing R=Real. False Evidence Appearing
Real. And, since I know that it is false evidence appearing real, it makes
it easier for me to do the thing anyway despite the state of mind I am in.

My self-talks are now powerful and practical. One of my favorites is
"Every one I contact wants to do business with me"! I never would have
gotten to where I am today if I had given up. I owe my present success
to my mentors who believed in me until I was able to believe in myself.
And, I owe my present success to the fact that I became persistent,
doing a little each day, growing a little more each day.

I would not be where I am today if it were not for the Mentoring For Free
system. I thank God every day for Michael and Linda Dlouhy and for them
creating this one-of-a-kind lead-generation and training system that allows
ordinary network marketing distributors to become network marketing leaders
and success stories. I am having the time of my life writing my success

-Steve Porter, Hannibal, Missouri, USA!

P.S. I hope it does not take You 3 plus years like it did me for You to
achieve and to experience your breakthrough. But, if it did, would You be
persistent enough to hang in there until You achieved and experienced your
breakthrough like I did?

Thank You Steve for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

See more great "lessons" here :,278.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Imagine! Just Imagine What You Want!

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Steve Porter posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill):

Imagination! I had a vivid one as a child. I believe that all of us did.
As a child, there was nothing we believed we could not become
and do. I remember sitting on the living room floor watching Perry
Mason on television and remarking to my parents that was what I
wanted to do when I grew up. Those Perry Mason shows were the
first seeds planted in my mind that led to me becoming a trial lawyer.

When I was age 19, back in 1977, I attended my first network
marketing event. I still had a vivid imagination then. I imagined
someday having a large network marketing organization that allowed
me to have a full-time residual income so that I could live my life on
my terms. That network marketing event was the first time I was
introduced to the concept of residual income.

Funny that I did not learn about network marketing in high school.
Nor about residual income. Most of us learn in school how to become

I tried network marketing 3 times before I discovered the "Success In
10 Steps" e-book. And, each time, I failed and miserably. I did not know
what to say or what to do. It was not until I discovered Mentoring For
Free that I learned what to say and what to do.

Last month, I had the highest volume I have ever had in a network
marketing business. When you have success it makes you want more
success. And, because of Mentoring For Free, success makes you want
others to experience success also.

I have been a trial lawyer for over 26 years now. I achieved that dream
that was created by my imagination from watching those Perry Mason
shows on television. Now, I have another dream. And, that is to, in my
lifetime, create that large network marketing organization and the full-time
residual income so that I may spend my remaining years living life on my

I will never ever forget Michael Dlouhy, in August of 2010, asking me this
question, "Steve, what can I do to help you own your life"? Just by him
asking me that question, I got my imagination back. Michael helped me to
start dreaming again.

My imagination today allows me to envision what my perfect life will look
like. I envision being able to go to bed when I am ready and not because
I have to be somewhere early the next morning. I envision being able to
wake up when I am done sleeping and not because I have to shut off the
electronic Rooster. I envision being able to spend each of my remaining
days working with my team and helping them to achieve their dreams. I
envision being able to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and
for as long as I want. I want to be able to take road trips with my business
partners and stay anywhere we please for as long as we want because
there are no jobs anyone has to get back home to. I envision being able
to give 20% or more of my income to my church and favorite charities and
to see the people who may be blessed thereby. I envision living a life of
service to many so that when I pass on, there are many people who can
say, "That guy really helped me during his lifetime"!

Most of what I envision today would have never been imaginable had it
not been for Mentoring For Free. And, that is why I so highly value this
proven system. I am thankful everyday that God led me to download the
"Success In 10 Steps" e-book. It changed my life for the better!

Steve Porter, Hannibal, Missouri, USA!

P.S. Because of Mentoring For Free, I am able to imagine like I did when
I was a child.

Thank You Steve for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

See more great "lessons" here :,275.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Friday, September 4, 2015

How to Craft Your PERFECT Self-Talk

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Ken Klemm posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

(Note : Listen to the call recording here :

Last week we mentioned that ONLY through
AUTO-SUGGESTION do Thoughts from our Environment enter
the programming in our Subconscious Minds. They become
part of our Belief Systems and Unconscious Abilities.

There is one other source from which Thoughts can enter
our Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious
mechanism of Self-Talk: The ETHER. There is no hard
science on the Ether- we just have enormous evidence
that it must exist, like gravity.

We INFLUENCE which Thoughts we receive from the Ether
by creating the VIBRATION to ATTRACT those Thoughts.

SELF-TALK sows the seeds in the fertile soil of the
Subconscious, and will yield and abundant crop of good
food or poison - depending on Your selection of seed!

The Proven Formula for Crafting Your Perfect Self-Talk:


Yes, ALL who have followed these steps HONESTLY, and
followed through in SAYING the resulting Self-Talk
hundreds of times daily, have experienced Positive

The 3 P’s...

Self-Talk must be Personal, Positive, and PRESENT TENSE
- It’s about YOU, it’s GOOD, and it’s happening NOW.


For Self-Talk to work, it must invoke 3 things: a
DEFINITE, DOMINANT DESIRE (Dominant means Most of the
Time); a POWERFUL VIBRATION of Emotional FEELING; and

Step 1: Download and print the PDF at

You’ll notice at the top of the word list are the
words, “Pursuit of Happiness”.

When I was devising this formula, I got a Thought from
the Ether that said, “Read the United States
Declaration of Independence.” I did, and the words
“Pursuit of Happiness” jumped off the page at me.

When we consider all we DESIRE, does it not all Begin
and End with HAPPINESS?


(A note about the Word List: Look, X, Y and Z are
tough, okay? I had to totally invent a word for X.
Xenophilic means enjoying, loving, being attracted to
folks from other places.)

Step 2: Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close Your
eyes. Search back in Your memory for the moment when
You felt Your highest EMOTIONAL HIGH.

Maybe it was a first kiss, the exchange of wedding
vows, the birth of a child, receiving an award or high
honor, winning a contest or drawing, making the winning
play in a championship game, receiving Your first pay
or bonus check, whatever. We call this a PERFECT

If You have many such moments to choose from, then You
are truly blessed. Search Your feelings and pick the

If You have no such moments, then can You at least

Step 3: With Your eyes still closed, relive that
moment. Experience the sight, sound, touch, smell and
taste of that moment.

Now, experience the Emotional FEELING of that moment.
Allow it to soar and lift Your spirit to that ULTIMATE

Step 4: CAPTURE that FEELING. Describe it in one, two
or three words.

Here is where the Word Lists becomes handy. You might
find Your word or words in the list, or the list may
lead You to them.

Step 5: Write down the words, “I AM” followed by Your
one to three words. (Stick the word “and” in there, if
You need it.)

The first two words fulfill the Personal and Present
Tense requirement. They also have special meaning to
students of the life of Moses.

Your FEELING words fulfill the Positive.

CONGRATULATIONS! This three to six-word phrase is the
root of, or a COMPLETE, Self-Talk that is PERFECT for

Step 6: Test Your Self-Talk.

Does it invoke the requirements for the Law of

A. A Definite, Dominant Desire: Because at the root of
all we desire is the Pursuit of Happiness, our desired
result is to FEEL that way. Even if we have difficulty
nailing down a Chief Aim, to FEEL GOOD and FEEL MORE OF

B. A Powerful Vibration of Emotional Feeling: Ditto the
last paragraph.

C. An Unshakable Belief: You’ve felt this way before.
Can You Believe You can Feel it again? Heck, You’re
Feeling It NOW!

So, SAY this Self-Talk OUT LOUD as often as You can ALL
DAY LONG, and especially as You lay down to sleep!

The Benefits of Your Self-Talk...

Mental Health. The vibrational state of Your Brain and
Mind will induce the flow of Inspiration, Imagination
and Attraction. Most of what and whom You Attract into
Your life will sustain and enhance Your GOOD FEELINGS.

Physical Health. There is overwhelming evidence that
Strong Positive Feelings improve the performance of
Your Digestive System. A healthy digestive system is
the root of healthy systems throughout Your body.
Whereas negative feelings hinder the functioning of
Your Digestive System - leading to headaches at first,
then eventually other ailments and diseases.

Optional Steps...

Step 7: Add Your immediate or primary business or
personal GOAL to Your Self-Talk, and add a few words ro
describe, in general, what You will GIVE in order to
achieve it. Remember to use Present Tense words.

Step 8: Test Your revised Self-Talk. SAY it OUT LOUD as
often as You can ALL DAY LONG.

If, after saying it hundreds of times, You experience
mostly negative feelings such as Fear, Dread, Doubt or
Disbelief, then You need to go back and adjust Step 7.

Lack of BELIEF erects a barrier which blocks the flow

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm - Florida, USA

P.S. Another method to induce Good Mental and Physical
Health is LAUGHTER - good, hearty, robust laughter! I
don’t mean texting “roflol”, I mean actually rolling on
floor LAUGHING OUT LOUD! (You can omit the rolling on
floor part, it’s not necessary.)

If You cannot think of something sufficiently funny,
then look in the mirror. If that doesn’t help, then
just force a good laugh. Even forced laughter is good.

Napoleon Hill recommended a recording by Spike Jones
and His City Slickers. It contains no jokes, so it will
not offend anyone. You can listen to it anytime or
download the MP3 at:

Thank You Ken for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We need to have Faith, but faith in what?

We need to have Faith, but faith in what?

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Graeme Little posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill):

We need to have Faith, but faith in what?
Faith in Yourself and the power of Love is all that is required. If we move through the world from a place of love then we see the world differently. We can filter our thoughts by our underlying world view. So look for the good in everyone and in every situation. Even if you see someone doing something you disapprove of, understand that they are acting from their personal world view and to them they are doing nothing wrong. You cannot change another person's world view although you can have an influence on their thoughts by your actions and indirectly may change their world view. So, do not judge others for judgement comes from Fear.

Most people believe subconsciously that by giving something, they must lose some of that. We are conditioned to have a winning - losing belief system. If someone wins then the other must lose. We accept this as true. Therefore most people hang on too tightly to what they have in fear of losing it. This applies to everything - Money, love, compassion, forgiveness, etc.

The real truth is that we are abundant in everything. We are made in the image of God and that is our birthright. But our environment, parents, friends, society have trained us to believe the opposite. We have been told we are no good, we can't be successful, you're not smart enough, people who have money must be crooks (that's what I was told when I was young because my father was wealthy and my parents divorced).

So how do you overcome decades of abuse and neglect? You must restore your Faith in the Universal Intelligence that created you.

You must believe that you are already abundant in all aspects of life. So how do you do that?

You have to BE what you are desiring by DOing things that demostrate you HAVE it. This is known as the BE..DO..HAVE Paradigm.
Most people live their lives believing the opposite and no amount of affirmations will change their reality. Most people think they must receive (HAVE) something before they can DO anything and thus BE who/what they want. Their dilemma is that their conscious mind can't accept that you can BE what you want when you appear not to possess what you need to HAVE.

So how do you BE something when you don't appear to already have it? Money is the perfect example because it is a tangible thing.

First you need Faith in the fact that you were created by the infinite power of All There Is and you possess the same infinite power within your soul. So you never need to look anywhere but within yourself for everything you need to manifest outwardly.
The auto-suggestion techniques are important to remind yourself of who you really are.

But, it goes even further than that, you must be DOing the thing you desire.

But how do I DO something like being rich when I am bankrupt?
The secret is to cause another to receive that which you desire. By causing another to receive wealth through your actions you are demonstrating to your subconscious that you already possess that thing and that you can freely give it away because you possess unlimited abundance of it.

Napoleon Hill mentions that you must incorporate feelings into your affirmations. Feelings are the language of the Soul.

How do you feel when you have helped another person become that which you desire. Humility causes you to love another and to give freely that which you know in your heart you possess. Otherwise how could you be giving it away.

How do you feel when someone tells you, you are wonderful, caring, compassionate, understanding, etc. It feels good to hear that because that is the truth and it resonates in your soul. Your soul will be saying I've been telling you that all the time, but you may not have been listening.

If you feel jealous of someone else's success or you feel that you are in competition with everyone, then you are acting from fear and you will drive wealth away from you.

It is not about YOU.

"What's in it for me" thinking will guarantee your failure because you are acting from a HAVE - DO- BE paradigm. You must reverse this to manifest success in your reality.

Napoleon Hill recommends to visualize that which you desire as having already arrived. Firstly, it doesn't have to arrive from anywhere because everything is already within you and so meditation allows you to go within.
Secondly, I suggest that you visualize not bundles of money for that is a given when you are successful, but instead visualize all the people you have helped.
You are sitting at an arena and on stage are all the people you have helped to grow their business and you are applauding them for their success.

Your own success is a given and not something you need to concern yourself with. It is simply who you are.
Humility allows others to decide who you are. There is no need to brag about who you are. Other people will label you as they see you.

This is why I was attracted to MFF because it provides me with an opportunity to help others to be successful. I can demonstrate to myself that I can only give away that which I already possess. By proving this outwardly every day my subconcious will only believe that I am a successful person and therefore the soul begins to create people, places and events into my life which outwardly demonstrate what/who I am.

Nothing happens by chance. We all create our reality and we can change that reality because we have free will. So demonstrate who you are through word and deed as often as you can and you will feel success and joy beyond measure.

Graeme Little, Brisbane, Australia

Thank You Graeme for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

See more great "lessons" here :,273.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Recipe For Success -- Does It Exist?

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that I posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

The Second Step toward Riches

Faith is one of the key ingredients crucial to your success.  What Dr. Hill gives us in TGR is a recipe to follow to reach our dreams.  There are 13 ingredients. Desire, Faith, Auto Suggestion (self talk), Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Organized Planning, Decision, Persistence, Power Of The Mastermind, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation, The Subconscious Mind, The Brain And The Sixth Sense.  Every single one of these ingredients is absolutely necessary for success.  It can be a daunting task to put into practice what Hill teaches in this book.

Although the ingredients are listed in a certain order, each one who reads the book will will grasp the principles in a different order.  That is why we need to read this book over and over and over and over again.  And why we need to discuss it within our mastermind.  Each one of us can help someone else understand the principles listed by writing lessons and speaking up on the calls.

I had been thinking about writing this lesson for a few days now.  I had a different approach in mind but once I started typing, the words just flowed, so I went with the flow.

I am grateful to Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse which have allowed me to grow as a person.

I am grateful to all who participate in this mastermind by posting lessons and speaking up on the calls.  Make sure you do post lessons and speak up.  What you write and/or say could be the trigger that someone else need to "get it".

I am grateful to all who download Success In 10 Steps and allow me to help them grow.

I am grateful to infinite intelligence for the nuggets it provides so that I can pass them on.

With much love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada

P.S.  Earl Nightingale.
“Now, right here we come to a rather strange fact. We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can reach, and yet, for some equally strange reason, we think others can do things that we cannot.” Earl went on to say, “I want you to know that that is not true. You do have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you, and you can have the things you want.”

See more great "lessons" here :,272.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Sixth Sense -- What Is It?

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that I posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

CHAPTER 14 (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill)
The Thirteenth Step toward Riches

The sixth sense is that small voice that whispers in our mind and that most people don't hear.  First, before you can hear that voice, you have to shut off that constant negative chatter in our mind.  Once that is done by using our positive self talk, we can hear those whispers.  It is also crucial that we recognize the whispers for what they are and not dismiss them as more negative chatter.  Remember that once you have shut down the negative clattering, the silence will be deafening and the whispers can sound rather loud in contrast.

So say your self talk consistently and listen for those “hunches” or “inspirations.”

I am grateful to Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse and to all who participate in this forum.

I am grateful to those who download Success In 10 Steps and allow me to help them grow into the person they were meant to be.

I am grateful to infinite intelligence for dictating this lesson to me and for all the “hunches” or “inspirations.”

With much LOVE and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I make a difference in people's lives
Thank you Michael for allowing me to post this brilliant lesson.

See more great "lessons" here :,268.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Power Of The Mastermind

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Michael Hall posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 10 (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill)- Power of the Mastermind: The Driving Force (The Ninth Step Toward Riches)


To illustrate the power of the Mastermind:

Monday night, after finishing my daily business activities, I felt restless. I turned on the tv and started up Netflix, but couldn't bring myself to sit and put something on. I found myself thinking about the people I have started to mentor, and realized that I felt uncertain about how to mentor them. This raised a familiar feeling for me as a green. The feeling was a reluctance to take action in the face of the unknown. I knew that I didn't really know how to mentor anyone, so I was reluctant to allow anyone else to download the ebook (I kept doing the actions, but was not getting the results because I knew that I didn't know what to do after I had brought someone through the 4 steps of the Mentoring For Free system).

Rather than succumb to the fear by sitting on the couch, I went back to my computer and opened up I clicked on "Videos and Special Audios." Wouldn't you know it, there was an audio entitled, "The Answer To: "How Do You Know What To Say When Mentoring People?"" So I put it on.

On the audio, Michael Dlouhy talked about the movie Ghost, in reference to how 'stupid' our subconscious minds are. He guaranteed that everyone listening to the call cried at the end when Patrick Swayze got to kiss and hold Demi Moore one last time. As he said it, I thought back to when I watched it, then thought, "I didn't cry." It was a realization that begged the question, "Why didn't I?"

Michael went on to talk about desensitization, which got me thinking, what is desensitization?

At another point on the same recording, Michael was talking about his solution for "what to say when mentoring people." He said, "Always listen with your conscious mind, keeping the 7 positive emotions in the front of your mind at all times. ALL TIMES, with no agenda." He explained that everyone who was in need of mentoring was going to be coming from one or more of the 7 Negative Emotions. He had several people reflect on times he had mentored them, and they discovered the negative emotions that they had been coming from.

As I pieced these elements together, I had an epiphany.

The reason I had not cried at the end of Ghost was not because it had not affected my sub-conscious mind. It was because I had trained my conscious mind to become desensitized to what I was feeling sub-consciously. Desensitization is using the conscious mind to block the communication of the sub-conscious mind.

I then realized that my ego had tricked me into believing that I was a positive person. Because I was denying the negative emotions I have felt in my life, I had considered myself to be a positive person, when in truth, I was simply in denial of how negative I really was.

Even as I write this, experiencing flashes of emotion, I feel my well trained sub-conscious mind, at the behest of my conscious mind, fighting to stifle the feelings of fear, superstition, anger, lack, and (though it's not listed as a part of the 7 negative emotions) sadness. And sadness is the big one. As I'm writing, I am suddenly recalling my parents yelling at me as a small child, "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!"

My nephew is only 6 months old, and I've seen my uncle and grandmother, and other's telling him not to cry and saying things like, "I don't like you when you cry." When I heard them saying it I felt irate. I wanted to yell that it's okay for him to cry. But I stifled it. Then I looked at my nephew in the eyes, and thought to him, "I love you and it's okay that you feel this way." And he smiled back at me.

I've heard it said that emotions are "energy in motion." Without emotion, there is no power. I have denied so many of my feelings for fear of giving power to realities that I don't want, but in doing so, I have denied myself the power I need to live the life I DO want.

Thanks to this loving and safe mastermind, and the power of the feelings shared by Michael, Linda, and many of the other leaders of Mentoring For Free, I am starting to allow myself to feel again. Thank you for believing in me, while I am learning to believe in myself.

Michael Hall - North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thank you Michael for allowing me to post this brilliant lesson.

See more great "lessons" here :,264.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rinse And Repeat

Her is my latest "lesson" in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum.

I just listened to the latest Darren Daily posting from Darren Hardy.  He talks about how he once attended the same presentation by Jim Rohn, not because he was crazy or stupid but because he found that he learned something new every time he went.  He says he learned something new because each time he went, he was a different person and his understanding expanded every time.

That is why we need to "be here a year from now".  We are not spinning our wheels or just going around in circles.  Yes, we are going around in circles but our circle expands each time around which gives us more understanding.

I am including Darren's summary here :

"Action for today:
Identify a book or program that you know you can go deeper with.

Today, schedule 30 minutes for yourself to re-read the first chapter of that book, go back through module 1 of that program or even re-listen, re-watch or re-read some of your favorite DarrenDailys.

To make sure you strike some oil, keep a 3×5 card ready for you to write down the 1 key idea you gained from your rinse and repeat session. See how you can implement that key idea this week!

And remember:

In the end, the fundamentals of success are simple and easy – getting yourself to stick to them is the difficult part.

Don’t make it even more difficult by confusing yourself with too many arbitrary opinions and conflicting ideas.

Declare what you will rinse and repeat this week in the comments below!

Your Daily Mentor,

Here is the link to this short audio :

Roger Boisjoli
Going around in circles is not crazy as long as your circle expands each time around.

See more great "lessons" here :,263.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Persistence: Why It Is Crucial To Your Success

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Margi Starr posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 9 – Persistence

Here at Mentoring For Free, we always ask a new client who has downloaded our eBook to send us their WHY.

Unlike a typical job where you must punch a time clock to receive a paycheck, there’s no one looking over your shoulder when you are involved in MLM.  Being successful in network marketing requires the ability to be self-motivated and to have a strong backbone of Persistence.

It’s our WHY that helps us to move past the obstacles that can derail us.  It gives us that power to Persist even in times that can be frustrating. When team members quit on us or people tell us we’re crazy, our Why keeps us moving forward.

My WHY is written inside my Weekly Planner. My Vision Board has pictures of my family, places I want to travel to, people I want to see.  My written WHY and my visual WHY keep me focused on owning my life.  Together they provide me with both an anchor and a sail.

I am the only one who stands in my own way.  I am the only one who limits me.  My Why constantly reminds me who I am becoming and keeps me focused on what I desire.

With God’s grace and help, I control my destiny.  It’s not up to anyone else to motivate me.  No one else can give me Persistence.  I’m personally responsible for growing as a person and mastering the skills necessary for success.  It’s no one else’s responsibility to build my business but me!

It is said, “Your journey is your journey.”  Having failed at ten different MLM companies over twenty or so years, I finally discovered Mentoring for Free.  It was here that I first heard about the Five Pillars of Success. I always believed whatever the owners said about the company I was in.  Looking back, they all sang a familiar song.  “Our company is the best.” “Our products are the best.”  “Our comp plan is the best.”

Persistence led me to the eBook Success in 10 Steps and to Mentoring for Free. Free information is sometimes seen as not having much value, but that free information literally changed the course of my life.  I knew that I could no longer be part of this industry unless I was in a company that met the Five Pillar criteria. I studied those Pillars as though my life depended on it.

Because it did!

The Pillar regarding Compensation Plans was especially enlightening to me as well as the $10,000 question.

Whenever I review my Why, it is an emotional experience for me. My Why is not just broad paint strokes like “I want to have Time and Financial Freedom.”  Instead it is the individual faces of my husband, my children, and my grandchildren. It is the places I want to visit, the books I want to write, and the ministries I want to support.  My Why brings tears to my eyes because it is the essence of who I am as well as my Legacy.

My Why reflects the purpose for which God created me.  That understanding didn’t come overnight but is the result of years of personal growth, study and prayer. Everything I’ve experienced has brought me to this moment in time.

Thank you for Mentoring For Free, my network marketing company and Persistence.  Together you are helping me Own My Life.

Margi Starr
Springfield, Ohio

"Your Dream Board is Not Your Fantasy, It's Your Future."  (Pam Sowder)

Thank you Margi for allowing me to post this brilliant lesson.

See more great "lessons" here :,263.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Monday, June 15, 2015

Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Michael Hall posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 8 (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill) - Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination (The Seventh Step Toward Riches)

Last week, Michael Dlouhy outed me as a green personality type, and I'll admit, I procrastinated a bit on admitting he was right. Then he said something to me, via email, that sent the message home, "Michael, being a green is a blessing, when you are coachable. The reason that people come to you for help is because you make sure to get all of the information." The moment I read that, I decided to accept myself as the green personality that I am.

That decision lifted a massive weight off of my mind and liberated me to have the best week I've had in my adult life. I haven't stopped smiling (other than MAYBE when I'm asleep) since.

Today, I listened to a song and heard it in a new way. I will quote it here, then share my inspiration from it:

(feat. Sia)

"You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium"

It reminded me of when Michael says, "When you have truthful, accurate information, you become 10 foot tall and bulletproof."

Having the truthful, accurate information about my personality, and making the DECISION to accept myself, and LOVE myself for it, has made me bulletproof!

Now that I know myself, and what my needs are, I feel more empowered to follow the "platinum rule," a modification of the golden rule, which is, of course, to "treat others the way you want to be treated."

The "platinum rule" is to "treat others the way THEY want to be treated. Not the way YOU want to be treated."

As a green, I love getting all the information I NEED about a subject. But the other colors, don't NEED the amount of information that I would always drown them in. Now, I can tend to my own needs, and only share the information that other people need, the information they ASK for. So, I have DECIDED, only to share information with people, when I have their permission, when they ask for it, and only what they ask for.

As my teal mentor, Steve Porter, has pointed out, the 2 minute story is a great way to do that. I've also decided to be coachable, and follow my mentor's example.

In honour of Steve's request, I will also share that when I learned how to evaluate a 5 Pillar Company, I struggled in the realization that the company I was with was NOT a 5 Pillar Company. When I realized it, I couldn't physically bring myself to share "Success in 10 Steps" with people, because I knew that I lacked the integrity of the information I would be sharing. After procrastinating for a few weeks, I made the DECISION to join a 5 Pillar Company, and within the first month since joining, I've had over 10 ebook downloads.

It is with tears of joy and with a smile from my heart that I thank Michael Dlouhy for helping me to discover the truth about myself, and to both he and Linda for sharing their inspired Mentoring For Free system with us.

I love each and every one of my Mentoring For Free family members. I thank you all for sharing your brilliance with me, and allowing me the opportunity to share mine with each of you!

Michael Hall - North Vancouver, BC, Canada

ps here are 2 links to the song I referenced:
dance/techno version:
acoustic version:

Thank you Michael for allowing me to post this brilliant lesson.

See more great "lessons" here :,262.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Decisions And Why You Need To Make Them By Margi Starr

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Margi Starr posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 8—Decision

Most of us in network marketing have heard someone say:
.....I’ve made the Decision to join your company.
.....I’ve decided to try one of your products.
.....I have finally decided that I’m ready to start building my business.

I get excited when I hear those words.  In my mind I envision how great it will be to mentor this person and help them experience success with either my products or the business opportunity.

But then my texts and phone calls go unanswered.

I used to wonder, “What did I do wrong?”

The reason why Napoleon Hill includes a chapter called Decision in his book, is that so many struggle with making a Decision and following through on it. That’s why Network Marketing requires so much personal development.  At the first hint of struggle, it’s easy to go MIA.  It’s easier to hide than to come out and face one’s fears.

It’s not about me as their mentor, it’s about them.

Hill talks about how some people boast about all they are going to achieve.  “I’m going to be at the top of the pay plan before you know it!” “This is going to be easy!”  “I’m gonna rock this thing!”

Then reality hits. BAM!

Instead of pushing through the fear and insecurity, all kinds of things start happening. In many cases Busyness comes in and takes over! It’s amazing how schedules fill up with so many activities there’s no time to be on calls, much less learn the skills. How many times have I heard, “I’ve been so busy!"


Another Potential Millionaire is victimized by loads of clothes that need to be laundered or soccer games that need to be watched.

Maybe it’s the multitude of church activities that are calling our name and we are the only one who will step up and serve.  Worthy activities for sure, but over time they can derail us from that which will make it possible for us to buy the entire soccer team new outfits or give outrageously when the offering plate is passed.

It all comes back to that sometimes irritating word Decision.  If Decision was easy, everyone would do it.  If Decision didn’t cost something, everyone would jump on board.

But Decision has a price tag.  It means giving up those things that steal time.  It means investing in skill development.  It means staying close to a mastermind group and being accountable.  It means posting your Why in front of you, so that you have the strength and focus to press on 24/7.

As I look back on my own journey, I see the times when I too made a half-hearted Decision and didn’t keep my promises to my sponsor or myself.  I hid and often went MIA.  But once I made the Decision to become part of the Mentoring for Free community, I have stayed the course.  I have never second guessed the Decision to be part of this or to be part of my company.  Never.

What Decision is calling out to you today?  Is it time for greater commitment or less Busyness?

Take some time, be very still, and listen.  The answer is within you.

Margi Starr
Springfield, Ohio

Thank you Margi for allowing me to post this brilliant lesson.

See more great "lessons" here :,262.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, June 4, 2015

You mean I Have To Plan And Organize To Succeed!

The Sixth Step toward Riches

I was listening to "Minute With Maxwell" today and a got a real Ah Ha moment.  John mentioned that we all get the same amount of time.  You cannot manage time, it passes by at a steady rate, which is the same for everybody.

So how come some people can do so much more than others?   AS John Maxwell puts it so clearly, its not how much time you get, it is WHAT you do with your time that counts.  You can't just go about your day doing this and doing that.  You end up having accomplished nothing.

That is why it is so important to plan and organize.  Plan your day and follow your plan as closely as possible.  You will hit snags that cause you to not be able to do some of what you have planned or some activity will not go the way you planned.  You call a student and you have to leave a message instead of talking to him or her. As Hill tells us "Temporary defeat should mean only one thing, the certain knowledge that there is something wrong with your plan. Millions of men go through life in misery and poverty, because they lack a sound plan through which to accumulate a fortune."

So plan, do, review, adjust.

I am grateful that Michael and Linda created MFF and the Mental cleanse.

I am grateful that I get to meet and communicate with all who participate in the Mental Cleanse by posting lessons and speaking up.

I am grateful to infinite intelligence for allowing me to be part of the group as well inspiring me to contribute to the group.

With love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, |Manitoba, Canada
I have important knowledge to share
I've got a blue print to take me there.

See more great "lessons" here :,261.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Monday, May 25, 2015

Imagine That! You Just Need To Imagine It! Who Knew?


The Fifth Step toward Riches

Hill tells "It has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine."

I have started reading Bob Proctors's book "You Were Born Rich". I chapter three he talks about image making.  What that is, is simply you imagining yourself as if you had already reached your goals whatever they may be.  He uses prosperity as an example.  So, imagine yourself prosperous no matter what your current situation is.  Create an image of that on the screen of your mind and hold it there consistently.

Bob says it better than I could evr "Someone got tired of sleeping under a tree and they built an image of a roof over their head and on and on we go. Out of the cave into a condominium. We have truly built the world we live in.

Columbus imaged a new world and you and I are l0iving in it. The Wright Brothers imaged us being propelled through the air and introduced us to a new kingdom. Samuel Morse imaged himself interrupting the flow of energy through metallic wires and gave us the telegraph with the Morse code. Copernicus imaged a multiplicity of worlds and now we have been there.

Through the years, history has recorded the results of great visionaries. In fact, everything ever accomplished was at first, and for a time, nothing more than an image held in the mind of the architect. Realize, now, that you too are the “mental architect” of your own destiny."

He also says "That is what the great artist, Vincent Van Gogh, meant when he was asked how he did such beautiful work. He said, “I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.” In other words, he saw the picture in his mind first and then he made a replica on canvas—in oil, of the original in his mind. In truth, there has never been an “original” “Van Gogh” sold!"

So use your imagination and create the life YOU want.  Imagine it and watch it come to life!

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating this mastermind and allowing me to participate so I can grow.

Thank you to all who participate by posting lessons and adding their brilliance.

Thank you to all who download Success In 10 Steps and laoow me to help them discover their own brilliance.

And, last but not least, that you to infinite intelligence for providing the brilliance I just shared.

With love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I have the power and energy for all to see!
There is nothing that will stop me from who I want to be!

See more great "lessons" here :,260.0.html

Join us here :

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Specialized Knowledge -- What you need to know


The Fourth Step toward Riches

Hill tells us "Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. Through the assistance of his “Master Mind” group, Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest men in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind."

This is definite proof that you don't "NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING" about your business.  All the information we need is at the tips of our fingers.  We just need to go on the internet and "google it".  If you got to YouTube you can find "how to" videos on anything.  We live in an information rich world so why clutter your mind with information you are not likely to need.   The hardest part is filtering out the inaccuracies and organizing the information so it can be used efficiently.  Learn to see the big picture quickly.  It can be done, even if you are a green.

All you really need to know is where to find the right information.  Is it on your company web site, on one of the MFF web sites, or somewhere else?  When you know this then just point to the asked for information.  Whatever you do, don't become a specialist and spend all your time showing people "how to".

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse.

I also want to thank all who participate in this mastermind group.  Special thakns to those who post lessons and speak up.

I also want to thank all who have downloaded Success In 10 Steps from my website and for giving me a chance to "Make A Difference" in their lives.

And thank you to infinite intelligence for inspiring me and guiding me.

With love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I'm adding value to people's lives
I come from the heart, I give them reason to try.

See more great "lessons" here :,259.0.html

Get you free training here

Friday, May 15, 2015

Is It Brainwashing Or Is It Improving Your Life?

The Third Step toward Riches

Hill tells us that : "AUTOSUGGESTION is the agency of control through which an individual may
voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind."

Autosuggestion is what Michael calls self talk.  We do it constantly whether we know it or not.  Our default mode is negative autosuggestion.  That is why we need to consciously say our self talk constantly.  At first we need to make an effort to say it out loud to drown out the negative talk from our subconscious mind.  Once we have said our positive self talk several thousands of times (50,000 ?), it becomes automatic and we say it from our subconscious mind.  But even then we have to reinforce it by consciously saying it a few hundred time each day or it will be overtaken by the
negative weeds we are subjected to in our daily lives.

Its been a mystery to me why some people, who appear to be strong believers in the MFF system, suddenly leave.  I have been pondering this for a while.  I got a hunch the other day about this.

I believe that what happens is that, even though they "talk the talk" they don't truly "walk the walk".  What I mean by that is that consciously they believe that they believe in the system.  BUT, deep down in the core of their subconscious mind is a seed of doubt.  Its not big, the size of a mustard seed.  But just like faith, this seed can grow if it is sprinkled with negativity.  Once that doubt sprouts and starts growing it feeds unto itself and if not uprooted with, it will take over our thoughts.

What causes that seed to sprout?  It could be a number of things.  Someone tells you something negative about MFF or Michael or your company and voila! the little seed says "there you go, its not perfect after all."   And then you start looking a little closer and you find more flaws, and it builds until its impossible to resist. So STOP IT!!!

Here is the truth!  Nobody, nothing, no company, no system is ever perfect.  If you are looking for perfection, you are in the wrong world.  So, yes there will be flaws, look at the big picture and what do you see?  Is it working for other people?  If it is, you had better look deep inside yourself and find that mustard seed of doubt and cover it so deep with positivity that it will NEVER see the light of day.

A friend of mine told me he left MFF because he felt like he had been brainwashed.  Well duh!  Of course you have. Life brainwashed this person with Negativity and MFF brainwashed them with Positive thoughts.

Brainwashing isn't always bad.  If it improves your life, isn't that a good thing.  Thank you Michael and MFF for brainwashing me into a loving person with a positive life!

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse.

Thank you to all the leaders who participate by posting lessons and speaking up on the calls.

Thank you to all who have downloaded Success In 10 Steps from my web site and for allowing me to have a chance to improve your life.  I am grateful for that.

Last but not least, I want to thank infinite intelligence for dictating this lesson to me.

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I've made a decision to make a difference today!,13868.0.html

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What Are You Trigger Moments by Brendon Burchard

I’ve spent my entire career helping high performers set up better strategies and habits to keep them energized, engaged and achieving their best. And the biggest secret I’ve learned in almost 20 years in this field is what I call “trigger moments.”

In essence, trigger moments are cues that remind you to activate your intentions or habits.
It’s one thing to have the intention to be more kind, patient and loving with people; it’s quite another to set a reminder on your phone that triggers you into being that kind of person. It’s one thing to want to eat wealthier, but another to setup a mental trigger that says, “Every time I drop off my kids at school, I immediately go to the gym or drive to the grocery store and buy fresh produce.” A trigger is a “when this thing happens, then I do or think that.”

For example, if you want to become more present and calm throughout the day, set up three phone alarms to go off throughout the the day with a label that says, “Close your eyes, take ten deep breaths in, and remind yourself to be calm.” These reminders will trigger you to enact the new behavior.

One of my favorite triggers to set up are “doorframe triggers.” Here’s how it works: When you walk into a room you have a psychological trigger go off in your mind that you’ve associated with that doorframe. So, for example, when you walk into the office in the morning, have three words go through your mind about how you want to interact with other people. Set up this same kind of trigger for when you walk into meetings, conference rooms, and even when you walk into your house.

Whatever you want to achieve in your life - better health, more energy, more clarity - set a trigger.
If you set up more triggers reminding yourself to stick to your habits and intentions, everything in your life will change. You will feel more energized, engaged and on track and you will experience what we call The Charged Life.

See the video here :

Monday, April 27, 2015

What Is High Performance? By Brendan Burchard

We all want to be our best, but not just during short-bursts or when we need to be at our “peak.” We want to live and maintain our full potential, to reach and sustain what is called “high performance.” I often say, “the definition of high performance is succeeding above and beyond standard norms over the long-term.”

Here’s what I’ve learned about high performers as I’ve become the world’s most-followed (and highest-compensated) high-performance coach:

1. Clarity:

High Performers have uncommon clarity about three things: (a) who they are, (b) what they desire and, (c.) how they intend to perform and interact with other people. By knowing these things, they can stay true to themselves, in their zone, and highly intentional. Without clarity, there is no way you can reach high performance. With clarity you are focused and limitless.

2. Energy:

High Performers experience and generate heightened and sustained levels of energy through training, discipline and focus. You can literally feel their energy because they’ve become present, vibrant and strong through their choices, nutrition, and conditioning.

3. Courage:

High Performers are more likely than others to speak up for themselves and to take more risks and bolder actions. They are intentionally courageous, knowing that their decisions and actions are forming a character that is either weak or strong. Their courage helps them get ahead because, when everyone else quits at the first signs of criticism or difficulty or risk, they march on.

4. Productivity:

High Performers simply produce more in the same amount of time as everybody else. They get into experiences deeper than others, and they become more efficient and prolific as well. That’s why they get ahead faster. How do they become more productive? They have more clarity, energy and courage!

5. Influence:

High Performers have better people skills; they give others more time, attention and caring, and as a result, other people admire, respect and help them. Their kindness and generosity draws people in, and often helps them be elevated to leadership positions. They simply tend to be exceptionally caring, good, fully contributing human beings.

The most important lesson I’ve learned is that High Performers are not born; they are conditioned by habit and practice.

Sharpen, heighten and hone these five areas of High Performance and you will start to experience what we call The Charged Life!