Friday, September 4, 2015

How to Craft Your PERFECT Self-Talk

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Ken Klemm posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

(Note : Listen to the call recording here :

Last week we mentioned that ONLY through
AUTO-SUGGESTION do Thoughts from our Environment enter
the programming in our Subconscious Minds. They become
part of our Belief Systems and Unconscious Abilities.

There is one other source from which Thoughts can enter
our Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious
mechanism of Self-Talk: The ETHER. There is no hard
science on the Ether- we just have enormous evidence
that it must exist, like gravity.

We INFLUENCE which Thoughts we receive from the Ether
by creating the VIBRATION to ATTRACT those Thoughts.

SELF-TALK sows the seeds in the fertile soil of the
Subconscious, and will yield and abundant crop of good
food or poison - depending on Your selection of seed!

The Proven Formula for Crafting Your Perfect Self-Talk:


Yes, ALL who have followed these steps HONESTLY, and
followed through in SAYING the resulting Self-Talk
hundreds of times daily, have experienced Positive

The 3 P’s...

Self-Talk must be Personal, Positive, and PRESENT TENSE
- It’s about YOU, it’s GOOD, and it’s happening NOW.


For Self-Talk to work, it must invoke 3 things: a
DEFINITE, DOMINANT DESIRE (Dominant means Most of the
Time); a POWERFUL VIBRATION of Emotional FEELING; and

Step 1: Download and print the PDF at

You’ll notice at the top of the word list are the
words, “Pursuit of Happiness”.

When I was devising this formula, I got a Thought from
the Ether that said, “Read the United States
Declaration of Independence.” I did, and the words
“Pursuit of Happiness” jumped off the page at me.

When we consider all we DESIRE, does it not all Begin
and End with HAPPINESS?


(A note about the Word List: Look, X, Y and Z are
tough, okay? I had to totally invent a word for X.
Xenophilic means enjoying, loving, being attracted to
folks from other places.)

Step 2: Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close Your
eyes. Search back in Your memory for the moment when
You felt Your highest EMOTIONAL HIGH.

Maybe it was a first kiss, the exchange of wedding
vows, the birth of a child, receiving an award or high
honor, winning a contest or drawing, making the winning
play in a championship game, receiving Your first pay
or bonus check, whatever. We call this a PERFECT

If You have many such moments to choose from, then You
are truly blessed. Search Your feelings and pick the

If You have no such moments, then can You at least

Step 3: With Your eyes still closed, relive that
moment. Experience the sight, sound, touch, smell and
taste of that moment.

Now, experience the Emotional FEELING of that moment.
Allow it to soar and lift Your spirit to that ULTIMATE

Step 4: CAPTURE that FEELING. Describe it in one, two
or three words.

Here is where the Word Lists becomes handy. You might
find Your word or words in the list, or the list may
lead You to them.

Step 5: Write down the words, “I AM” followed by Your
one to three words. (Stick the word “and” in there, if
You need it.)

The first two words fulfill the Personal and Present
Tense requirement. They also have special meaning to
students of the life of Moses.

Your FEELING words fulfill the Positive.

CONGRATULATIONS! This three to six-word phrase is the
root of, or a COMPLETE, Self-Talk that is PERFECT for

Step 6: Test Your Self-Talk.

Does it invoke the requirements for the Law of

A. A Definite, Dominant Desire: Because at the root of
all we desire is the Pursuit of Happiness, our desired
result is to FEEL that way. Even if we have difficulty
nailing down a Chief Aim, to FEEL GOOD and FEEL MORE OF

B. A Powerful Vibration of Emotional Feeling: Ditto the
last paragraph.

C. An Unshakable Belief: You’ve felt this way before.
Can You Believe You can Feel it again? Heck, You’re
Feeling It NOW!

So, SAY this Self-Talk OUT LOUD as often as You can ALL
DAY LONG, and especially as You lay down to sleep!

The Benefits of Your Self-Talk...

Mental Health. The vibrational state of Your Brain and
Mind will induce the flow of Inspiration, Imagination
and Attraction. Most of what and whom You Attract into
Your life will sustain and enhance Your GOOD FEELINGS.

Physical Health. There is overwhelming evidence that
Strong Positive Feelings improve the performance of
Your Digestive System. A healthy digestive system is
the root of healthy systems throughout Your body.
Whereas negative feelings hinder the functioning of
Your Digestive System - leading to headaches at first,
then eventually other ailments and diseases.

Optional Steps...

Step 7: Add Your immediate or primary business or
personal GOAL to Your Self-Talk, and add a few words ro
describe, in general, what You will GIVE in order to
achieve it. Remember to use Present Tense words.

Step 8: Test Your revised Self-Talk. SAY it OUT LOUD as
often as You can ALL DAY LONG.

If, after saying it hundreds of times, You experience
mostly negative feelings such as Fear, Dread, Doubt or
Disbelief, then You need to go back and adjust Step 7.

Lack of BELIEF erects a barrier which blocks the flow

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm - Florida, USA

P.S. Another method to induce Good Mental and Physical
Health is LAUGHTER - good, hearty, robust laughter! I
don’t mean texting “roflol”, I mean actually rolling on
floor LAUGHING OUT LOUD! (You can omit the rolling on
floor part, it’s not necessary.)

If You cannot think of something sufficiently funny,
then look in the mirror. If that doesn’t help, then
just force a good laugh. Even forced laughter is good.

Napoleon Hill recommended a recording by Spike Jones
and His City Slickers. It contains no jokes, so it will
not offend anyone. You can listen to it anytime or
download the MP3 at:

Thank You Ken for allowing me to repost your brilliance.

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

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