Monday, November 17, 2014


This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Barbara Wilson in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :


Have you ever paid attention to a farm, season after season, year after
year? You may see the farmer out there through all kinds of weather taking
care of his crops or animals. It doesn't matter what nature throws at him,
he steadfastly goes about his chores.

We live in a farming community and see this all around us.  If a farmer
loses a calf because of a cold snap, he doesn’t stop taking care of the
rest of the cows.  If a freeze gets his peanuts, you will still see him
planting again next year.  If a storm lays down an almost ready wheat
field, he will just change his plans and bale it for hay instead of harvesting
the grain.  No, his crop won’t be as lucrative but all is not lost. He never
quits being a farmer because of adversity.

We can compare this to our network marketing business.  If we lose one
of our top team members, we don’t just quit.  We go find someone else.
If we find out that our company is not a five pillars company or it simply
goes out of business, we don’t quit.  We go find another company.  If our
company changes our comp plan, which may remove some of our goals,
and is still a basically good company, we don’t quit. We change our goals.
We don’t quit being a professional network marketer because of adversity.

Hill says that, “Without PERSISTENCE, you will be defeated, even before you
start. With PERSISTENCE you will win.”

When we start our network marketing journey, every one of us, like Hill
can say, “I had a fine opportunity, then and there, to kill off ambition
before it gained control of me.”  But know this, “Every minute
it lives, gives it a better chance of surviving.”

I have found this to be true.  Persistence keeps the fire burning brightly.
If you feel the fire burning low, the remedy is to take action.  Put out
invitations for your e-book, make some contact with new people on your
social media sites, or do some follow-up calls with your mentor.  Don’t
suffer in silence while the fire dies out and you die with your music still
in you.  If we do this we can make “Life yield whatever
price is asked.”

In Dave Ramsey’s book, The Legacy Journey, Dave tells this story. One
day over lunch, he was talking to a really rich guy, a billionaire to be
exact. Dave asked him this question, “What can I do today that will
get me closer to where you are in your business and in your wealth

He said, “Okay, here are two things.  First, I’ve never met anyone
who wins at money who doesn’t give generously.  You've got to keep a
giving spirit if you want to win long term.” Dave was excited about this.
He had this one down.

“Second, I want you to read a book. This is my favorite book. I read it
several times a year.  I read it to my children, and now I read it to my
grandchildren over and over. It will change your life, your money and
your business forever.” Dave is a reader so he was very excited about
this.  This megabillionaire was going to tell him the book that changed
his life.

He said, “Dave have you ever read The Tortoise and the Hare?...The
tortoise just keeps moving forward, slow and steady. And you know
what? Every time I read the book the tortoise wins.”

Thank you Michael and Linda for providing this forum. Thank you Roger
and all the other great members of this mastermind group.

With love to all!
Barbara Wilson  T

hank you Barbara for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,232.0.html

Or join us in our forum here :

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