Monday, February 8, 2016

How does stuff get inside our minds?

This is an extract from Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's Newsletter.

Well, it isn't magic. Things don't just show up.

We get our beliefs and programming over the years from:

* Programs that we are born with. Things like fear of falling or fear of loud voices.

* What our parents told us to believe. For our first few years, we don't have the mental brainpower to reason things out. So, our parents simply tell us what to believe and what to think.

* Teachers give us beliefs and programs. That is why we go to school, so that we can learn from the experiences of others.

* Friends. Oh my, the beliefs and programs that we pick up from our friends are mind-boggling.

* Television, Internet and newspapers. The more we are exposed to this negative input, the more negative we become. Of course, if we watched and read positive personal development, this would help us create more positive programs.

This list could go on and on, but did you notice something?

*** Most of the stuff inside of our heads was put there by others. We did not consciously make a choice to put it there.

Feel sad? Feel slightly victimized by others?

The reality is: this is how we get stuff inside our heads.

Can we change this? Of course we can. We can make a conscious choice to put new programs and new information inside of our heads. How do we do this? Here are two quick ways.

1. Personal development. This is why there are positive mental attitude audios and books. We need to balance out all the negativity that has been put in our heads.

2. Who we associate with. Yes, people rub off on us. We have all heard the famous saying that we are the average of our four or five closest friends. If we want to improve ourselves, we should improve the people we associate with. I like to use a "soundbite" to describe this phenomenon. My friend Jake Pena says, "If you hang around four broke people, I guarantee you will be number five." (I know what you are thinking. I should hang around skinnier people.)

One of the premier benefits of network marketing is that we get to hang around more positive people. Because our environment is more positive than associating with negative relatives and in-laws, many people are attracted to our business for the personal development aspect only. They would be happy with network marketing even if they did not get a bonus check!

Yes, not every distributor in our organization wants to make network marketing a full-time career. Maybe they already have full-time careers that they feel comfortable with. They just enjoy having a more positive influence in their lives.

Network marketing is easy to share with others, because we have so many great benefits that they can take advantage of.

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

Thank you Tom for this great information.

Success In 10 Steps

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What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

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