Imagine that I don’t know how to drive, but I purchase a brand-new car. What do you think will happen?
I will crash the car quickly because I don’t even know what those pedals on the floor do.
My solution? Buy a better car. And what will happen then? I will crash the better car.
My solution? Buy an even more expensive car that won “Car of the Year” awards. Well, you can guess what is going to happen.
This is what happens when new distributors join network marketing. Because they refuse to learn the basic skills of their business, they can’t become successful in any company. And their solution is to simply quit, blame the company, blame their upline, and hope a new company will make them successful.
Companies don’t make us successful. If they did, everyone would be successful and rich.
We become successful with the skills we bring to the company.
Jumping companies isn’t the solution. The solution is within us. It is up to us to learn how to drive the car. (Maybe we should attend our upline’s Saturday morning training sessions after all.)
If you don’t have the basic 25 skills working for you in your business, here is how you can learn them.
: http://www.ibourl.com/ihn
Mentoring For Free : Where you learn HOW to thing, not WHAT to think.
Our motto : "Build it once, build it BIG and build it to pay your children's children!"
Zig Ziglar "Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want."
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