Monday, February 16, 2015

So let us be more appreciative and thankful each day

A vibrant and happy life begins at the path of gratitude.

So let us be more appreciative and thankful each day:
Let me be thankful for all the light that surrounds me.
Let me be thankful to any caregivers who inspire me.

Let me be thankful to my lover, who overlooks my shortcomings.
Let me be thankful to the women and men who risk their lives to protect my freedoms.
Let me be thankful for the blue tint of the sky and the beauty of our natural world.
Let me be thankful for the heart that drums life through me.
Let me be thankful for last night's rest, no matter its length.
Let me be thankful for my gifts of free will, of volition, of endurance.
Let me be thankful to my mentors and to the traitors who also instructed me.

Let me be thankful that I am not living in deeper need and squalor.

Let me be thankful for my home, for my daily bread, for my clean water.

Let me be thankful for the opportunity to work and create and earn.

Let me be thankful for the luck that has advanced me, and the disasters and tribulations that have educated me.

Let me be thankful for the blank slate that comes with each morning.

Let me be thankful for my breath and the clean moment at hand.

Let me be thankful to my Creator.

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