This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :
Think & Grow Rich - Chapter 10
Power of a Master Mind - The Driving Force By Russ Aker
The Ninth Step toward Riches
The power of connecting with a Master Mind of like mined people in Network
Marketing is like utilizing a pulley system to lift and maneuver heavy loads
eliminating continued struggle and possible failure. Many Network Marketers
continue to struggle or fail because; individually they do not have the strength of
Persistence, Knowledge or Skill to master what eventually seems overwhelming
One should be asking, “And how do I pick a Master Mind Group and a Mentor I
can trust?” The answer is, both Master Mind and Mentor will always give and
never take. “NEVER TAKE”! If you are reading this lesson, you are “THREE
Have you ever read the book “Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill”? Go to the
Introduction. Hill tells the story of Edwin C. Barnes, how through determination,
Persistence and Faith he attained the assistance of a Mentor and Master Mind,
used the new resources at his disposal to eventually master the Success
Formula. Using these principles he made himself number one man with Thomas
Edison. Then Hill relates a second story, he says, “let us look at a different
situation, and study a man who had plenty of tangible evidence of riches, but lost
it, because he stopped three feet short of the goal he was seeking, “THREE
If you are in a Network Marketing Opportunity and you are reading this lesson, I
know you are digging for Gold. Everyone who begins in Network Marketing
caught a little “Gold Fever” and started digging for gold. 97% of all Network
Marketers struggle and like most Gold Miners; they jump from claim to claim
knowing they’ll strike it rich in the next opportunity. Most keep struggling many
eventually quit just like R. U. Darby.
Darby’s initial “Gold Strike” was pure luck and when the vein ran out Darby did
not know what to do next. Why did Darby quit, because he did not have the
Knowledge or Skill to continue and he failed to seek a trusted source of expert
The story continues…”Darby sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred
dollars, and took the train back home. Some “junk” men are dumb, but not this
one! He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating.
The engineer advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not
familiar with “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the GOLD vein would be
found JUST THREE FEET from where Darby had stopped drilling! That is exactly
where it was found! The “Junk” man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine,
because he knew enough to SEEK EXPERT COUNCIL before giving up.”
We all know in Network Marketing people do not start with the “Luck” Darby was
so blessed with. So, words of warning, when considering a Network Marketing
Opportunity, don’t be AMBUSHED by Human Nature? If it sounds too good to be is! Success in Network Marketing is not based on chance or luck, it is
not a lottery. STOP being deceived by a little glittery gold dust; seek expert
council through a trusted Mentor and Master Mind.
At this very moment you are THREE FEET FROM GOLD. "Dig deeper" in your
understanding and skills in Network Marketing and go for the vein. Contact the
person who shared this lesson with you and ask them for the free Book “Success
in 10 Steps”. I am confident you’ll find you have come in contact with expert
council, a trusted Mentor and Master Mind.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon
Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this. See more great "lessons" here :
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