This is a direct quote form a "lesson" posted by my good friend Russ Aker in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :
Think & Grow Rich
Chapter Fifteen
Indecision causes procrastination and doubt. Doubt
creates Fear. Fear diverts attention and impedes action.
Do you know how many times you’ve said, “I’ll start
tomorrow”? Action Step four in the chapter on Desire Hill
says, “create a definite plan for what it is you Desire and
begin at once whether you are ready or not.”
What is that fear which stops us in our tracts? Criticism.
I suggest a good escape route is a real honest evaluation
of our Ego. Our ego will deny the existence of fear,
indecision, doubt and ego itself, using every excuse
available not wanting to let go. Ego allows us excuses to
blame failure on something outside of us. If we are
allowed to see these enemies, our ego fears we will be
discovered as less valuable and important… it FEARS
Criticism (criticism being the second greatest fear). Ego
has a dictionary full of reasons and excuses.
Ego is first party to denial and wants us to keep thinking
our lives are in the control of something outside of us. Our
ego knows if we come awake and start to see, then we’ll
have to take action in an unknown environment outside the
misery of our current comfort zone. Why are we so
miserable in what seems comfortable? Because our
comfort zone is only a looking glass for viewing our Desire.
We must step through the looking glass and experience
the uncomfortable to attain what we seek…or quit looking
through the glass and torturing ourselves.
If one has to Fear something Fear this...
Hill - “Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite us is
TIME. If we hesitate before moving, or neglect to move
promptly, we will be wiped off the board by time. We are
playing against a partner who will not tolerate
INDECISION!” ...Your move!
Russ Aker
Portland, OR
Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this. See more great "lessons" here :,223.0.html
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