Monday, January 18, 2016

Is Your WHY Strong Enough?

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" posted by my good friend Ed Rands in our Think And Grow Rich forum :

Chapter 9 - Persistence (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)

It's January, the season for many people to come up with New Year's resolutions, and then promptly give up on them. Research says just 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions.

Whether it's at new year's, or any time of year, it's quite common for goals to never be achieved, even when it's a matter of life or death. When told by their doctor they need to make some dramatic changes or be dead in two years, well over half the people presented with such a choice think, “Hmm. Give up my life… or give up bacon. My life… or bacon. Let's have some bacon!”

How come?

A huge factor in whether you will reach a goal, or throw in the towel, comes down to one, single word question.


Imagine that inside your mind is a balance scale. One side is labelled “Why To”, the other side is labeled “Why Not To.”

Every time you are faced with a decision, your mind reaches into its repository of info and experience, pulls out a bunch it believes relevant, and places each item on the appropriate half of the scale. Different items will have different significance and, therefore, different weight. Whichever side comes out heavier, that's what you will go with.

Let's imagine that in front of you is a cookie.

That cookie is your favorite flavor. That's a why to.

You have a goal to lose 10 pounds, and that cookie will not help with that. That adds to the why not to side.

But you can just taste it already, and you're salivating like Pavlov's dog. Why to.

Then again, you've been single-mouthedly responsible for eating all the rest of the cookies in the bag. And that's just since this morning. Gluttony guilt; that's a why not to!

But it's just one more cookie. It won't make much of a difference. And.. is that cookie singing? “Lonely. Feelin' so lonely now that I am all on my own.”

Sigh! The scales are close, but I'm going to eat the cookie just so it stops taunting me.

And so it goes, day after day, for every decision, often in a split second. Weigh it out, and go in the direction that is heavier with reasons.

Therefore, in order to achieve any objective, you must have heavier, more impactful reasons on the side of why to.

The heaviest reasons are emotional. It doesn't matter where you are on the scale between a feeler and a thinker, you're still an emotional creature who will often make decisions based on emotions.

We often get derailed from our objectives the easiest by emotional roadblocks. We need emotional rocket fuel to keep us propelling forward.

The bigger, and scarier the objective, the heavier your whys must be for the goal to survive and you to persist. If you're trying to slay a mighty dragon, or wrestle the most terrifying of inner demons, you need a why or whys so powerful they can make you cry. Yes, cry. Anything less potent, and eventually something will overpower you and you'll give up.

Some of the most emotionally powerful motivations are for or about other people.

For example, you might be wanting to eat better and exercise more. Great benefits to yourself. But what about also doing it so you can be lively and energetic to play with your children or grandchildren for years to come, and live long enough to witness significant moments in their lives. Or live long enough to actually grow old with your spouse, or to be more lively and energetic to play with them in the meantime.

Make sure you write down your whys along with your goals. You'll likely need the reminder along the journey.

In conclusion, I'd like to share with you just a couple of my powerful whys, which are carrying me forward through the muck, towards some of my biggest dreams.

I've mentioned before that my mother died when I was very young. I believe one day I will get to see her again. I want to meet her with a smile on my face, feeling I did well with the precious gift of life she gave me.

In a previous lesson I also mentioned that at my funeral, I want lots of people saying I positively impacted their life, directly or indirectly. Even though most of them are unknown to me yet, they are all a why.

As much as I'd like to start today charging into the battlefield to be the one to help, the painful-to-admit fact of the matter is that for the moment, I am still one of the ones lying wounded and bleeding, in need of the help. As I am faced with swallowing my pride, admitting I can't pick myself up by my own bootstraps, feeling temporarily emasculated, and learning to accept the help of others, I have to keep those and other powerful whys constantly in mind, so that I will allow myself time and process to heal.

Ed Rands

So whatever it is you are working on, fuel it with powerful whys, and make 2016 your best year yet.

Thank you Ed for allowing me to post your brilliance

See more great "lessons" here :

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Saturday, January 9, 2016

What Is The Biggest Decision You Have To Make?

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" posted by my good friend Tuula Rands in our Think And Grow Rich forum :

Chapter 8 - Decision (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)

What is the biggest decision we have to make when we join
a Network Marketing company?  Is it the decision to actually
join?  Is it the decision to do the first step?

I believe the biggest decisions we have to make
is the decision to make our own decisions.

Hill tells us  "Close friends and relatives, while not meaning to
do so, often handicap one through “opinions” and sometimes
through ridicule, which is meant to be humorous. Thousands
of men and women carry inferiority complexes with them all
through life, because some well-meaning, but ignorant person
destroyed their confidence through “opinions” or ridicule."

If our family or friends are not building a Network Marketing
business, THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE KNOW and therefore,
they are not qualified to make a decision about what we are
doing.  So why do we listen to them?

We listen to our family and friends because we want their
approval; as if their approval is going to make the difference
in whether we are successful or not.   It will only make a
difference if we allow it to, whether for the positive or for
the negative.

Do we approve of everything our family and friends do?
Do they follow all the things we tell them?  Do we agree
with them all the time? The answer is probably "NO" to
all these questions?  So why do we put so much weight
into whether they approve of what we are doing?

Hill tells us "You have a brain and a mind of your own,
USE IT, and reach your own decisions."

TO DO, BUT FIRST SHOW IT.” This is the equivalent of
saying that “deeds, and not words, are what count most.”

Michael tells us to build our business and when we are
making good money our family and friends will see it and
then they may ask us what we are doing; and if they don't
ask, they don't want to know.  So don't tell them.

Just think of all the self doubt, the worry and agonizing we
save ourselves when we make that initial decision of making
our own decisions and not worrying what our family and
friends think.

Hill also tells us "Those who reach DECISIONS promptly
and definitely, know what they want, and generally get it.
The leaders in every walk of life DECIDE quickly, and firmly.
That is the major reason why they are leaders. The world has
the habit of making room for the man whose words and
actions show that he knows where he is going."
DEFINITENESS OF DECISION always requires courage,
sometimes very great courage."

It takes courage to become a leader.  Leaders make decisions
and follow through with those decisions regardless of what
friends and family think.  The only people we should listen to
are the one who have done what we want to do.

The sooner we make the decision to make our own decisions,
the faster we will grow into the leader we want to become.

Tuula Rands

Thank you Tuula for allowing me to post your brilliance

See more great "lessons" here :

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, January 7, 2016

"To Be Or Not To Be" Or Is It "To Do Or Not To Do"

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" posted by my good friend Ryan McChesney in our Think And Grow Rich forum :

Ryan McChesney Tampa, FL, United States
Posted: 2016-01-06

Chapter 8

Decision (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)

Everybody knows one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare called Hamlet. In that play, there was a classic line that really ties into this chapter, “To be or not to be…”

I remember back when I was in high school, and I was just listening to the other students read the play to the class. But when I heard this line, it really stood out to me; and it also made me pause and think about it. It was like when you are driving down the road and you pass your street that you were supposed to turn on. Then you had to slam on the brakes and back up to it. Well, that is exactly what this line did to me as well as the class. We discussed it throughout the class period. However, I did not realize the true meaning behind this line until recently.

This famous line has to deal with our decision making. And decisions are ultimately what makes us either successful or not successful. Let me explain this a little further. So you come up with a thought or dream that you can’t stop thinking about, and your body is fueling up with this burning, white hot desire. You keep picturing it and picturing it and picturing it, but then you decide that you are going to do it. Then you decide that you are not going to do it. And you keep going back and forth just like the saying, “To be or not to be…” When you constantly are deciding that you are going to do it and then not do it, you are like a car that stops and goes. You will ultimately confuse your subconscious, which will then effect the other previous steps towards riches that we have learned.

Therefore, one must learn to make a decision in order to become successful. Even Hill states in this chapter that people who fail to accumulate riches have the tendency to be influenced by others’ opinions, and cannot make a decision. Yeah, it is going to take a lot of action, persistence, and patience to become successful, but it will all be worth it in the end. So don’t procrastinate on making decisions, or else opportunities will pass you by. When you start to make decisions by yourself and quickly, then you will receive this energy that you have never felt before. It is like you have control, and you are know where you are going. Trust me, once I started to apply this and make decisions on my own, I have noticed a different me.

Ryan McChesney


Thank you Ryan for allowing me to post your brilliance

See more great "lessons" here :

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :