Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why You Need To Have Faith And How To Induce IT

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" posted by my good friend Margi Starr in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 3—Faith (Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill)

I met Michael and Linda Dlouhy seven years ago in Houston, Texas.
I had heard Michael's voice many times on the MFF calls (as I sat quietly
in the shadows) and when I met him in person,  I was even more
awestruck by his larger-than-life personality.

Aware that many of the people at the event would be on tight budgets,
Michael and Linda had coolers filled with food in their suite.  By the end
of the event, I found myself dining at their table, grateful for their
generosity, and mesmerized by every word they spoke.

With such little faith in myself, I found I could hang onto their Faith.

Several years later I was in Florida and the Dlouhy’s took a group of us
to Clearwater Beach. Walking barefoot in the sand to the water's edge,
Michael said, “When you really believe you can do this, it will happen.”

Encouraging words for sure, but so frustrating!  How does one achieve
that level of belief???

Here’s what I’ve discovered…

First, it takes time.  We hear about the newbie marketers who rocket
to the top of their companies within the first year or two.  Hurray for
them, but that is probably the exception.  For most of us, it’s the daily
retraining of our minds and growing our belief systems.

At first it’s fun to do Self Talk and read Personal Growth books.  After
a while, it’s not so fun.  That’s when it becomes work and only the
Warrior perseveres.

It’s the Warrior who continues to do Self Talk, despite hearing the
“No’s” or feeling “blah.”

It’s the Warrior who continues to read Think and Grow Rich over and
over again as well as other personal growth books when others are
reading romance fiction.

It’s the Warrior who continues to stay plugged into Mentoring for
Free calls and company calls.

It’s the Warrior who writes Think and Grow Rich lessons week after
week after week allowing the concepts to sink deeper into the sub-
conscious mind.

It’s the Warrior who retreats into her office to write a blog, post
Instagram pictures or watch a Periscope by business leaders, while
others in the house are watching movies.

It’s the Warrior who continues to Dream when others say,
“Network marketing doesn’t work for me.”

The FAITH part of network marketing cannot be underestimated.
When nurtured day by day, week by week, year by year, it grows
and expands, vanquishing doubt and disbelief.

Faith. Always. Triumphs.

Margi Starr, Warrior
Springfield, Ohio

Thank you Margi for allowing me to post your brilliance

See more great "lessons" here :,287.0.html

Success In 10 Steps

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :