This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Graeme Little posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum (Think And Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill):
We need to have Faith, but faith in what?
Faith in Yourself and the power of Love is all that is required. If we move through the world from a place of love then we see the world differently. We can filter our thoughts by our underlying world view. So look for the good in everyone and in every situation. Even if you see someone doing something you disapprove of, understand that they are acting from their personal world view and to them they are doing nothing wrong. You cannot change another person's world view although you can have an influence on their thoughts by your actions and indirectly may change their world view. So, do not judge others for judgement comes from Fear.
Most people believe subconsciously that by giving something, they must lose some of that. We are conditioned to have a winning - losing belief system. If someone wins then the other must lose. We accept this as true. Therefore most people hang on too tightly to what they have in fear of losing it. This applies to everything - Money, love, compassion, forgiveness, etc.
The real truth is that we are abundant in everything. We are made in the image of God and that is our birthright. But our environment, parents, friends, society have trained us to believe the opposite. We have been told we are no good, we can't be successful, you're not smart enough, people who have money must be crooks (that's what I was told when I was young because my father was wealthy and my parents divorced).
So how do you overcome decades of abuse and neglect? You must restore your Faith in the Universal Intelligence that created you.
You must believe that you are already abundant in all aspects of life. So how do you do that?
You have to BE what you are desiring by DOing things that demostrate you HAVE it. This is known as the BE..DO..HAVE Paradigm.
Most people live their lives believing the opposite and no amount of affirmations will change their reality. Most people think they must receive (HAVE) something before they can DO anything and thus BE who/what they want. Their dilemma is that their conscious mind can't accept that you can BE what you want when you appear not to possess what you need to HAVE.
So how do you BE something when you don't appear to already have it? Money is the perfect example because it is a tangible thing.
First you need Faith in the fact that you were created by the infinite power of All There Is and you possess the same infinite power within your soul. So you never need to look anywhere but within yourself for everything you need to manifest outwardly.
The auto-suggestion techniques are important to remind yourself of who you really are.
But, it goes even further than that, you must be DOing the thing you desire.
But how do I DO something like being rich when I am bankrupt?
The secret is to cause another to receive that which you desire. By causing another to receive wealth through your actions you are demonstrating to your subconscious that you already possess that thing and that you can freely give it away because you possess unlimited abundance of it.
Napoleon Hill mentions that you must incorporate feelings into your affirmations. Feelings are the language of the Soul.
How do you feel when you have helped another person become that which you desire. Humility causes you to love another and to give freely that which you know in your heart you possess. Otherwise how could you be giving it away.
How do you feel when someone tells you, you are wonderful, caring, compassionate, understanding, etc. It feels good to hear that because that is the truth and it resonates in your soul. Your soul will be saying I've been telling you that all the time, but you may not have been listening.
If you feel jealous of someone else's success or you feel that you are in competition with everyone, then you are acting from fear and you will drive wealth away from you.
It is not about YOU.
"What's in it for me" thinking will guarantee your failure because you are acting from a HAVE - DO- BE paradigm. You must reverse this to manifest success in your reality.
Napoleon Hill recommends to visualize that which you desire as having already arrived. Firstly, it doesn't have to arrive from anywhere because everything is already within you and so meditation allows you to go within.
Secondly, I suggest that you visualize not bundles of money for that is a given when you are successful, but instead visualize all the people you have helped.
You are sitting at an arena and on stage are all the people you have helped to grow their business and you are applauding them for their success.
Your own success is a given and not something you need to concern yourself with. It is simply who you are.
Humility allows others to decide who you are. There is no need to brag about who you are. Other people will label you as they see you.
This is why I was attracted to MFF because it provides me with an opportunity to help others to be successful. I can demonstrate to myself that I can only give away that which I already possess. By proving this outwardly every day my subconcious will only believe that I am a successful person and therefore the soul begins to create people, places and events into my life which outwardly demonstrate what/who I am.
Nothing happens by chance. We all create our reality and we can change that reality because we have free will. So demonstrate who you are through word and deed as often as you can and you will feel success and joy beyond measure.
Graeme Little, Brisbane, Australia
Thank You Graeme for allowing me to repost your brilliance.
See more great "lessons" here :,273.0.html
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What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.
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