The Fifth Step toward Riches
Hill tells "It has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine."
I have started reading Bob Proctors's book "You Were Born Rich". I chapter three he talks about image making. What that is, is simply you imagining yourself as if you had already reached your goals whatever they may be. He uses prosperity as an example. So, imagine yourself prosperous no matter what your current situation is. Create an image of that on the screen of your mind and hold it there consistently.
Bob says it better than I could evr "Someone got tired of sleeping under a tree and they built an image of a roof over their head and on and on we go. Out of the cave into a condominium. We have truly built the world we live in.
Columbus imaged a new world and you and I are l0iving in it. The Wright Brothers imaged us being propelled through the air and introduced us to a new kingdom. Samuel Morse imaged himself interrupting the flow of energy through metallic wires and gave us the telegraph with the Morse code. Copernicus imaged a multiplicity of worlds and now we have been there.
Through the years, history has recorded the results of great visionaries. In fact, everything ever accomplished was at first, and for a time, nothing more than an image held in the mind of the architect. Realize, now, that you too are the “mental architect” of your own destiny."
He also says "That is what the great artist, Vincent Van Gogh, meant when he was asked how he did such beautiful work. He said, “I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.” In other words, he saw the picture in his mind first and then he made a replica on canvas—in oil, of the original in his mind. In truth, there has never been an “original” “Van Gogh” sold!"
So use your imagination and create the life YOU want. Imagine it and watch it come to life!
I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating this mastermind and allowing me to participate so I can grow.
Thank you to all who participate by posting lessons and adding their brilliance.
Thank you to all who download Success In 10 Steps and laoow me to help them discover their own brilliance.
And, last but not least, that you to infinite intelligence for providing the brilliance I just shared.
With love and appreciation
Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I have the power and energy for all to see!
There is nothing that will stop me from who I want to be!
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