Monday, May 25, 2015

Imagine That! You Just Need To Imagine It! Who Knew?


The Fifth Step toward Riches

Hill tells "It has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine."

I have started reading Bob Proctors's book "You Were Born Rich". I chapter three he talks about image making.  What that is, is simply you imagining yourself as if you had already reached your goals whatever they may be.  He uses prosperity as an example.  So, imagine yourself prosperous no matter what your current situation is.  Create an image of that on the screen of your mind and hold it there consistently.

Bob says it better than I could evr "Someone got tired of sleeping under a tree and they built an image of a roof over their head and on and on we go. Out of the cave into a condominium. We have truly built the world we live in.

Columbus imaged a new world and you and I are l0iving in it. The Wright Brothers imaged us being propelled through the air and introduced us to a new kingdom. Samuel Morse imaged himself interrupting the flow of energy through metallic wires and gave us the telegraph with the Morse code. Copernicus imaged a multiplicity of worlds and now we have been there.

Through the years, history has recorded the results of great visionaries. In fact, everything ever accomplished was at first, and for a time, nothing more than an image held in the mind of the architect. Realize, now, that you too are the “mental architect” of your own destiny."

He also says "That is what the great artist, Vincent Van Gogh, meant when he was asked how he did such beautiful work. He said, “I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.” In other words, he saw the picture in his mind first and then he made a replica on canvas—in oil, of the original in his mind. In truth, there has never been an “original” “Van Gogh” sold!"

So use your imagination and create the life YOU want.  Imagine it and watch it come to life!

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating this mastermind and allowing me to participate so I can grow.

Thank you to all who participate by posting lessons and adding their brilliance.

Thank you to all who download Success In 10 Steps and laoow me to help them discover their own brilliance.

And, last but not least, that you to infinite intelligence for providing the brilliance I just shared.

With love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I have the power and energy for all to see!
There is nothing that will stop me from who I want to be!

See more great "lessons" here :,260.0.html

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Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Specialized Knowledge -- What you need to know


The Fourth Step toward Riches

Hill tells us "Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. Through the assistance of his “Master Mind” group, Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest men in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind."

This is definite proof that you don't "NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING" about your business.  All the information we need is at the tips of our fingers.  We just need to go on the internet and "google it".  If you got to YouTube you can find "how to" videos on anything.  We live in an information rich world so why clutter your mind with information you are not likely to need.   The hardest part is filtering out the inaccuracies and organizing the information so it can be used efficiently.  Learn to see the big picture quickly.  It can be done, even if you are a green.

All you really need to know is where to find the right information.  Is it on your company web site, on one of the MFF web sites, or somewhere else?  When you know this then just point to the asked for information.  Whatever you do, don't become a specialist and spend all your time showing people "how to".

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse.

I also want to thank all who participate in this mastermind group.  Special thakns to those who post lessons and speak up.

I also want to thank all who have downloaded Success In 10 Steps from my website and for giving me a chance to "Make A Difference" in their lives.

And thank you to infinite intelligence for inspiring me and guiding me.

With love and appreciation

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I'm adding value to people's lives
I come from the heart, I give them reason to try.

See more great "lessons" here :,259.0.html

Get you free training here

Friday, May 15, 2015

Is It Brainwashing Or Is It Improving Your Life?

The Third Step toward Riches

Hill tells us that : "AUTOSUGGESTION is the agency of control through which an individual may
voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind."

Autosuggestion is what Michael calls self talk.  We do it constantly whether we know it or not.  Our default mode is negative autosuggestion.  That is why we need to consciously say our self talk constantly.  At first we need to make an effort to say it out loud to drown out the negative talk from our subconscious mind.  Once we have said our positive self talk several thousands of times (50,000 ?), it becomes automatic and we say it from our subconscious mind.  But even then we have to reinforce it by consciously saying it a few hundred time each day or it will be overtaken by the
negative weeds we are subjected to in our daily lives.

Its been a mystery to me why some people, who appear to be strong believers in the MFF system, suddenly leave.  I have been pondering this for a while.  I got a hunch the other day about this.

I believe that what happens is that, even though they "talk the talk" they don't truly "walk the walk".  What I mean by that is that consciously they believe that they believe in the system.  BUT, deep down in the core of their subconscious mind is a seed of doubt.  Its not big, the size of a mustard seed.  But just like faith, this seed can grow if it is sprinkled with negativity.  Once that doubt sprouts and starts growing it feeds unto itself and if not uprooted with, it will take over our thoughts.

What causes that seed to sprout?  It could be a number of things.  Someone tells you something negative about MFF or Michael or your company and voila! the little seed says "there you go, its not perfect after all."   And then you start looking a little closer and you find more flaws, and it builds until its impossible to resist. So STOP IT!!!

Here is the truth!  Nobody, nothing, no company, no system is ever perfect.  If you are looking for perfection, you are in the wrong world.  So, yes there will be flaws, look at the big picture and what do you see?  Is it working for other people?  If it is, you had better look deep inside yourself and find that mustard seed of doubt and cover it so deep with positivity that it will NEVER see the light of day.

A friend of mine told me he left MFF because he felt like he had been brainwashed.  Well duh!  Of course you have. Life brainwashed this person with Negativity and MFF brainwashed them with Positive thoughts.

Brainwashing isn't always bad.  If it improves your life, isn't that a good thing.  Thank you Michael and MFF for brainwashing me into a loving person with a positive life!

I want to thank Michael and Linda for creating MFF and the Mental Cleanse.

Thank you to all the leaders who participate by posting lessons and speaking up on the calls.

Thank you to all who have downloaded Success In 10 Steps from my web site and for allowing me to have a chance to improve your life.  I am grateful for that.

Last but not least, I want to thank infinite intelligence for dictating this lesson to me.

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada
I've made a decision to make a difference today!,13868.0.html

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What Are You Trigger Moments by Brendon Burchard

I’ve spent my entire career helping high performers set up better strategies and habits to keep them energized, engaged and achieving their best. And the biggest secret I’ve learned in almost 20 years in this field is what I call “trigger moments.”

In essence, trigger moments are cues that remind you to activate your intentions or habits.
It’s one thing to have the intention to be more kind, patient and loving with people; it’s quite another to set a reminder on your phone that triggers you into being that kind of person. It’s one thing to want to eat wealthier, but another to setup a mental trigger that says, “Every time I drop off my kids at school, I immediately go to the gym or drive to the grocery store and buy fresh produce.” A trigger is a “when this thing happens, then I do or think that.”

For example, if you want to become more present and calm throughout the day, set up three phone alarms to go off throughout the the day with a label that says, “Close your eyes, take ten deep breaths in, and remind yourself to be calm.” These reminders will trigger you to enact the new behavior.

One of my favorite triggers to set up are “doorframe triggers.” Here’s how it works: When you walk into a room you have a psychological trigger go off in your mind that you’ve associated with that doorframe. So, for example, when you walk into the office in the morning, have three words go through your mind about how you want to interact with other people. Set up this same kind of trigger for when you walk into meetings, conference rooms, and even when you walk into your house.

Whatever you want to achieve in your life - better health, more energy, more clarity - set a trigger.
If you set up more triggers reminding yourself to stick to your habits and intentions, everything in your life will change. You will feel more energized, engaged and on track and you will experience what we call The Charged Life.

See the video here :