Monday, April 27, 2015

What Is High Performance? By Brendan Burchard

We all want to be our best, but not just during short-bursts or when we need to be at our “peak.” We want to live and maintain our full potential, to reach and sustain what is called “high performance.” I often say, “the definition of high performance is succeeding above and beyond standard norms over the long-term.”

Here’s what I’ve learned about high performers as I’ve become the world’s most-followed (and highest-compensated) high-performance coach:

1. Clarity:

High Performers have uncommon clarity about three things: (a) who they are, (b) what they desire and, (c.) how they intend to perform and interact with other people. By knowing these things, they can stay true to themselves, in their zone, and highly intentional. Without clarity, there is no way you can reach high performance. With clarity you are focused and limitless.

2. Energy:

High Performers experience and generate heightened and sustained levels of energy through training, discipline and focus. You can literally feel their energy because they’ve become present, vibrant and strong through their choices, nutrition, and conditioning.

3. Courage:

High Performers are more likely than others to speak up for themselves and to take more risks and bolder actions. They are intentionally courageous, knowing that their decisions and actions are forming a character that is either weak or strong. Their courage helps them get ahead because, when everyone else quits at the first signs of criticism or difficulty or risk, they march on.

4. Productivity:

High Performers simply produce more in the same amount of time as everybody else. They get into experiences deeper than others, and they become more efficient and prolific as well. That’s why they get ahead faster. How do they become more productive? They have more clarity, energy and courage!

5. Influence:

High Performers have better people skills; they give others more time, attention and caring, and as a result, other people admire, respect and help them. Their kindness and generosity draws people in, and often helps them be elevated to leadership positions. They simply tend to be exceptionally caring, good, fully contributing human beings.

The most important lesson I’ve learned is that High Performers are not born; they are conditioned by habit and practice.

Sharpen, heighten and hone these five areas of High Performance and you will start to experience what we call The Charged Life!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

What Ghost Is Holding You Back The Most


My biggest fear has always been the fear of Criticism.  This has been mainly due to lack of confidence in myself.  There was always that nagging little voice that asked these confidence wrecking question.  "Who are you to tell people anything?  You don't know squat about anything!"  All that negative ranting was causing me to cower in fear and hide behind fear's skirts like a child cowering behind its mother's skirts at the sign of perceived danger.  That voice as rather loud and insistent.  For the longest time I could not shake it.

That is until one day when I joined this Mental Cleanse mastermind.  I soon realized that I was tuned to the wrong channel.  Getting rid of that nagging persistent voice was as simple as changing channels.  Oh! I'm not going to tell you it was easy, oh, no not at all.  It took saying my self talk thousands and thousands of times.  For the longest time, it seem as though when my dial started moving toward that great positive channel, it would suddenly snap back to the negative one and I had to start all over again. Eventually it got easier to get that dial to move in the right direction and stay longer and longer in the right place.

I can now say that I am in the positive channel most of the time.  My dial still tends to drift off at times and I start hearing the crackle of negative interference.  A few intense self talks snaps it back into the right place.

I thank Michael and Linda for having created this incredible Mentoring For Free training that allows us to set lofty goals, then provide the training necessary for us to achieve those goals. If we are COACHABLE, use the complete MFF system and are here a year from now, we will be closer to having that success we desire. It will be GUARANTEED!

I thank each member of this Mastermind group that assembles every Wednesday and the mastermind group on each of the calls for their inputs that help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. I want ot especially thank Bob Shoaf for setting such a great example.

I especially thank each person who has downloaded my ebook and has allowed me to call them weekly to share this incredible training. I appreciate each of them. I appreciate their desire to learn these 13 Steps as I am doing. I appreciate that they allow me to help them learn how each of us can implement the "hunches and inspirations" we receive so that each of us can, "achieve anything we can conceive."

Thank you, thank you, thank you to each of these 3 groups.

Roger Boisjoli
Elie, Manitoba, Canada

Thank you Russ for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,254.0.html

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Ghosts of Fear

This is a direct quote from a "lesson" that My good friend Celeste Smucker posted in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse forum :

Chapter 15, The Ghosts of Fear

People who write about manifestation often describe a 3 step process:  State what you want, The universe brings it, relax and let it in.  While step 3 seems like it should be easy, in fact it is usually the most difficult for people.  I find it interesting that Hill says essentially the same thing in this last chapter:  "Before you can put any portion of this philosophy into successful use, your mind must be prepared to receive it."  He goes on to say that what prevents us from receiving is fear.

However the chapter title is actually Ghosts of fear.  I looked up the word ghost and found that it is defined as a mere shadow or semblance, or alternatively as a remote possibility (as in he has a ghost of a chance).  This seems very similar to the eastern mystical traditions which define fear as illusion.  If our fears are illusory or at best remote possibilities, then they aren't very substantial..and yet they can have great power in most people's lives, keeping them from experiencing joy, success and abundance.

Last Saturday night Michael asked us "what are you thinking about?"  He was asking us to be conscious of the thoughts that go on all the time under it all..our default or unconscious thoughts.  One way to get in touch with these thoughts is to notice feelings.  Our feelings spring directly from our if you are angry, depressed, sad, jealous, anxious....experiencing any of the negative emotions, then there must be some unconscious, negative and illusory thoughts going on underneath.  Change the thoughts and you change your emotions and your life.

Chances are these thoughts are some form of "it should be other than it is." as in, I contacted 20 people and don't have a single ebook download....this system doesn't work, it should be easier.  Or I called that person 3 times and left messages and they haven't called me back, must be something about that ebook. or my message or maybe the stars just aren't right. It shouldn't be like that. Or, I called my friend and left a message, I even sent an email, and they haven't called back.  They should be more thoughtful.  It's easy to fall back on the negative ghostly, illusory story, the default mode, which turns on the negative emotions and keeps our good away.

Hill offers a solution to this kind of thinking...he says  "Fears are nothing more than states of mind.  One's state of mind is subject to control and direction."  In other words, when you experience a negative emotion, examine the underlying thought and decide if it's true, then make a different decision.  For example, is it true that your lack of downloads means MFF doesn't work?  Chances are this is a ghost, or an illusion...there's too much evidence to the contrary.  So instead of getting angry we can always make a different decision....for example to get some help, or try some different ways to reach out to people until we find one that works for us.  In other words, recognize the ghost for the illusion it is and turn the light on by choosing to think differently about it.  Ghosts have a way of disappearing in the light.

Of course the best way to clear out the fear and make way for positive emotions is positive self talk.  A couple hundred a day and you begin to shed a little light on your situation, but it's still a little shadowy and the ghosts are lurking near by ready to pounce..  A thousand a day is like walking out into the sunshine where the ghosts don't have a chance.  Once they are consistently on the run, your mind is truly open to receive lots and lots of joy, abundance, and ebook downloads.

Celeste Smucker, Nellysford, Virginia.

Thank you Celeste for allowing me to repost this.  See more great "lessons" here :,254.0.html

Join Michael & Linda Dlouhy For The Next 30 Days And See The Results For Yourself

What are we talking about? It's called a 30-day mental cleanse. Yes, that's right. Too often we let things into our minds that should not be there and it hinders our progress. The best way to get your mind focused is to clean it up with what it should have. Think of it like rebooting your hard drive.

We have found this process to be more effective when people can do this together and share the result. What are you going to get? By joining this 30-day cleanse, we will send you ebook(s) to read and have weekly calls associated with this specific 30-day mental cleanse to assist you along the way. All that is required by you is your commitment to doing the program. If you are ready to become the right kind of person, then complete the form below. You will be sent the full instructions and Michael & Linda will keep in touch with you by email and on the weekly calls.Or join us in our forum here :