Thursday, May 29, 2014



I feel that I’m on the verge of a major breakthrough in my business. 
Last week, as I walked through the house doing my house blessing, 
(positive phrase for chores) I was thinking about it and felt a quiggle 
of fear in the pit of my stomach.  I immediately put that out of my 
thoughts and replaced it with, “I am ready, I’ve been trained for this 
and there is no need for any fear!” 

Here are two verses from the Bible that talk about fear and love in 
the same sentences.  You will notice that they cannot be together.  
It’s either one or the other.
II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of 
power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out 
fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect 
in love.

The last verse makes it clear that love is the remedy for fear.  
Michael tells us to look in the mirror and say, “I love you.” Some 
have not been able to do that yet. The Bible also talks about loving
others as ourselves.  If we don’t love ourselves then we can’t love 
others and therefore will not be able to get rid of the fears. When 
we start loving ourselves and sending love thoughts out, then love 
is what returns to us.

This quote by Hill brings this out, “MAN’S THOUGHT IMPULSES BEGIN 
INVOLUNTARY. Thought impulses which are picked up through the
ether, by mere chance (thoughts which have been released by other 
minds) may determine one’s financial, business, professional, or 
social destiny just as surely as do the thought impulses which one 
creates by intent and design.”

“If you must be careless with your possessions, let it be in connection 
with material things. Your mind is your spiritual estate! Protect and 
use it with the care to which Divine Royalty is entitled.” Another 
verse popped into my mind when I read this quote by Hill. 
Psalms 4:23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are 
the issues of life.” Mind and heart are interchangeable here.

One more quote by Hill, “Previously you may have had a logical 
excuse for not having forced Life to come through with whatever 
you asked, but that alibi is now obsolete, because you are in 
possession of the Master Key that unlocks the door to 
Life’s bountiful riches.” Because I have studied this book for a 
year now, I have no excuse for failure. 

It’s an exciting journey! I’m so glad I found the road. Thanks 
to all who make this possible.

With Love to All!
Barbara Wilson

Thursday, May 15, 2014

If You Do This, Your Emails Might Be Rude

If You Do This, Your Emails Might Be Rude

by Adam Grant Wharton professor and author of GIVE AND TAKE

When we walk up to introduce ourselves to strangers, we intuitively follow basic cultural rules of politeness. Don’t launch into a monologue about yourself. Don’t look over their shoulder to see if someone more important is nearby. Don’t invade personal space, or you’ll be branded as a close talker.

On email, though, it’s the Wild West. The internet and social media have made it effortless to contact strangers: even many influential people are just a click away. When I speak with influencers, they are often shocked by the everyday rudeness in emails from strangers. What does it take to avoid alienating the very people with whom we’re hoping to connect? Here are nine rules for polite email outreach:

Don’t ask strangers to…

1. Acknowledge that they received your email

Electronic return receipts are a thing of the past, and I know many people who interpret them as a sign that you (a) are paranoid, (b) have an inflated sense of your own worth, or (c) have just emerged from a 20-year coma and are unaware of mailer-daemons and delivery status notifications. If your message goes unanswered, you can always resend it a couple weeks later.

2. Share your content on social media

What if they don’t like your material? An explicit request to circulate puts people in an awkward position: they can say no and look rude, or drop the ball and look disorganized. It’s more polite to just send them your content along with a sentence about why it’s up their alley, and end it there. If they like it enough, they’ll share it—and they’ll do it more enthusiastically, because it’s based on intrinsic motivation rather than obligation.

3. Provide feedback on something you’ve created

If you’re seeking input on a product, service, technology, document, or idea, it’s an awful lot to ask a stranger to engage with your work and comment on it. Whereas feedback requires a lot of effort, advice can be much less time-consuming. Try asking for guidance on a specific question or dilemma that you’re facing, and you’ll be more likely to get a response.

4. Jump on a call today or tomorrow

If you’re asking the favor, the onus is on you to be flexible. Ask if they might be willing to talk sometime in the next month or two, and let them suggest some times.

5. Name some times for a meeting

It’s a red flag when people feel entitled to a face-to-face conversation. A friendlier option is to ask strangers if they’re willing to meet, or if there’s a more convenient way for them to communicate with you.

6. Introduce you to specific people in their networks

It’s not fair to ask people to put their relationships on the line for someone they don’t know. Instead, ask if they know anyone who might be a good source of insight on a particular topic, and they may suggest a person who they feel comfortable connecting.

After strangers respond to your initial message, don’t…

7. Email them every day—or even every week

Stalker alert! People sometimes interpret a polite reply from a stranger as an offering of friendship. If you’re tempted to reach out too regularly, try saving your points in a draft email, and then prune at the end of the month. Intermittent reinforcement can be a powerful thing.

8. Immediately introduce them to someone else

This can come across as using your newfound access to gain status or influence with the third party. The safe bet here is to simply ask for permission first: “I thought you two might enjoy a chat for the following reason. Are you interested in connecting?"

9. Invite them to collaborate

You just proposed marriage on the second date. Try having a dialogue first, and explore whether working together might prove mutually beneficial.

All I Ask Of You

Thanks for reading this post—I just have a few requests. Will you please like it so I know you read it, and share it on all of your social media platforms? I await your comments on the best parts of this post and how I could have improved it; let’s discuss by phone today.

I’ll drop by your office Monday for lunch. That will be the perfect time for you to introduce me to your boss’s boss.

To firm up the plans, I’ll check in with you again tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve sent an email introducing you to my dentist. He's great, and I know you’ll be very interested in his work, so I gave him your cellphone number. Oh, and we should totally write together—you’ll learn a lot from me.

Finally, please rate my wife on


Adam is a Wharton professor and the author of Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. His Twitter handle is @AdamMGrant, his free newsletter is at, and his dentist is Michael Smith, DDS.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

7 Tips for Stopping Cyber Bullies

Today, online bullying is a reality for adults and teens alike. The personal nature of social networking, the ability to broadcast information to large groups of people in seconds and the bully’s feeling of anonymity can make this type of harassment particularly damaging and hurtful. These tips are designed to help you prevent and/or stop cyber bullies.

1. Talk to your children. Keep an open dialogue with your kids about their online social circle. Let them know if they are bullied they can talk to you. Also, make sure they understand the damage that bullying can cause others. Look for warning signs that your child is being bullied or bullying and step in right away.

2. Do not respond to a bully. Save or copy emails, messages or other evidence, but avoid engaging with a tormentor.

3. If the perpetrator is a minor you may try reaching out to a parent or guardian to intervene in the matter. Many parents are surprised to learn that their children are bullying and will help intervene.

4. If the bully attends your children’s school, discuss the matter with an administrator or counselor. Some schools have guidelines for dealing with cyber bullies and preventing escalation.

5. File formal complaints with phone and internet providers to block the bully.

6. Physical threats, stalking or harassment may constitute a criminal matter. Contact the police to report the abuse right away.

7. Talk to your law firm to find out what other options may be available to you and your family. Laws dealing with online harassment vary; it is important to discuss the matter with an attorney who knows the laws in your state or province.

Friday, May 2, 2014

3 Things Rich People Own That Money Can't Buy

3 Things Rich People Own That Money Can't Buy

by Joe Apfelbaum
CEO & Co-Founder, Ajax Union Online Marketing SEO Company NY, Google Trainer, Business Mentor, Public Speaker

When we look at the greatest people, we tend to think that they were born with special gifts, that they had better luck or that they have a special soul. We don't often think about our own ability to accomplish great things like that because it seems too far-fetched.

We are taught to think that money can buy anything and that people with money know something that we don’t. Money makes the world go round, right?

There are plenty of people who have all the money they can ever dream of having, but are still unhappy, unfulfilled, and want something that money simply cannot buy. They keep indulging in things that bring them closer to death and farther from a life of happiness.

As an orthodox Jew, I went to a school called Yeshiva. We were expected to sit down for 12 hours a day and learn the

Torah (Bible). Yes, we had breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We got recess to play ball and have a good time, but the practice came down to precision, dedication, and hard work. I was taught that we must control our bodies, our minds, and our souls. We must not eat everything we want, we must not look at everything we feel like looking at or think about the things we are not supposed to think about.

I was taught that by controlling the things God gave us the ability to control, we will be able lead happy, purposeful lives.

It was not until I became a successful entrepreneur that was fortunate enough to build an amazing company that I learned that self control is the true key to growth.

All the things I learned in Yeshiva as a young boy and later as a teenager started to make sense to me, from being socially responsible, to controlling my emotions and being grateful the second I opened my eyes in the morning.

In my experience, individuals that learn to control the following three avenues have massive success in any area that they desire.

The Body: We are born without the ability to control our body. Babies go when they need to go, cry when they are want something. It’s natural. There is no self control. Then, as we get older, we realize that we need to wait for things. We need to control our impulses, lest we get arrested or shunned from our social habitat. If we want to succeed, we need to own our life and that starts with owning our body.

Your body can hold you back from growing. If you don’t take control, it can make you feel lazy and defeated. You can feed it healthy things that make you feel good. You can drink lots of water. You can exercise by running and dancing and

working those muscles. Leave it to the body and it won't do any of those things and it will control your life. You can have all the money in the world but you will never be able to pay your body to do unnatural things that will bring you to true wellness. Owning your body is the first step to success.

The Mind: Your mind is a muscle. The more you use it, the more it works for you. It is the most powerful organ in your body. It decides what is pain, what is pleasure, when to be happy and when to be angry. You are what you think you are and your thoughts develop who you become.

I used to say things like, “Let me just live. I don’t want to think about it.” That thinking did not drive me to growing one of the fastest growing companies or changing my life for the better.

What does owning your mind mean? It means tapping into the subconscious parts of your mind and changing the way that you think about things. Changing the natural way we are programmed to think and getting your inner thoughts to work for your wellbeing.

The things that we think about when we sleep will control our actions while we are awake. They will control our emotions and desires. Growing up, I learned that the mind controls the heart and nothing can stand in the way of desire. Desire comes from the heart and if you want to shape your will power, it all starts by owning your mind. Once you own your mind, you will be able to own your progress, thereby taking yourself to the next level.

The Soul: “Lucky people have a special soul. They were blessed and now they are better off than most people.” That is a terrible excuse used much too often. What I learned in Yeshiva is that we all have the ability to develop our soul because we all have a part of the One Infinite God inside us. Owning your soul is about deciding how you will be treating the people around you; deciding the type of morals and values that you will have. How will you behave when you are challenged by temptation to steal, cheat, kill, or worse?

In business we are constantly challenged. Our morals and ethics are constantly pushed to the limit. How you treat the people in your circles and how you influence them will define how special your soul is.

Having a special soul is more about the decisions we make every day, every hour and every minute. Owning your soul comes first from owning your body and your mind.

We all need to stop making excuses that involve luck and start taking responsibility for the things that we can control.

If you are able to make your body healthier, if you are able to work on your emotions and refine yourself, you will be able to own the key to your success. People that decide that they want that easy road, get rich quick, win the lotto or get the ticket to freedom by some random power are in for a big surprise. Work hard, own your body, own your mind and and own your soul. Nothing will be able to stop you from meeting any goal you set.

Sharing my religious experience and beliefs is not something that I have ever done publicly. I was encouraged to do so by the founder of the INC business council. My mentor and friend, Lewis Schiff, told me, “Joe, you look the part and live a successful and deep meaningful life. Start to speak from the heart and tell people who you really are, where you came from, and why you do the things you do.” He said “Yes, some people will hate you for it, but you can’t be everything to everyone. Just be you.”

So, here I am. This is what I believe. This is why I wake up at 4 a.m. and push myself to be the best father, husband, son, brother, community member, mentor, CEO, entrepreneur, friend, person I can possibly be. To make this world a better place.

If you were inspired by this article please share it on every social media site you use, along with your thoughts. You never know what that might accomplish. You might just send it to someone who is looking to change his or her life and this may be the ticket they need to unlimited success.

Whether you love or hate what I said here, please comment and let me know what you think is the source of success.

Please let me know how you feel about my ideas and background. I want to hear both the bad and the good.

Lets start talking about how we can help each other to take our lives to the next level and make this a better world for everyone.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

100% Commission - Is It A Good Thing?

100% Commission - Is It A Good Thing?

Every day I see ads for opportunities that scream the value of 100% commission.

Now lets think about this.  If you worked for an electronics store as a salesperson and a customer walked in and bought a $1,000.00 TV, would you expect to get $1,000.00 in commission.  Of course not!  Some of the money the customer pays has to go to pay for the TV and the store's overhead.

So why is it that you can get 100% commission on line?

What does 100% commission tell you about the product sold on this opportunity.  It tells me that either there is no product or the product is worth $0,000.00.  It is vapour ware.

So what happens to the enrolment fee?  It doesn't go to pay for any product because there is no product.  It goes to pay the upline.  But wait a minute here!  Is that not the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme?
After all the US government is quite clear of its definition of a legitimate enterprise.  Any opportunity MUST have a value added product or service that people would pay for even if there was no opportunity for income attached.  Also you cannot legitimately get commission from web sites, tools or training.

Here is an example of a company shut down by governments recently :
At the request of the Federal Trade Commission and the states of Illinois, Kentucky, and North Carolina, a federal court has halted an allegedly illegal pyramid scheme pending trial.  The FTC and the state attorneys general seek to stop the allegedly illegal practices of the Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM) operation, which claimed consumers would make substantial income by joining the scheme.  The operation affected more than 100,000 consumers throughout the United States, including Puerto Rico, and Canada.  In some areas, including Chicago, the scheme targeted Spanish-speaking consumers.

Here are some FTC guidelines regarding MLMs
Here is another one :